Simple library to search and traverse graphs using DFS, BFS algorithms, and also detect cycles in directed graph input
Graph Seach Alogorithms Implementation in Javascript
Simple and fast library containing collection of algorithms to search and traverse graphs using DFS or BFS, check if a path exists between two nodes and also detect cycles in directed graph input.
npm i @gsvlabs/graph-search
Example 1
import Graph from '@gsvlabs/graph-search';
//For old fashioned CommonJS
const Graph = require('@gsvlabs/graph-search').default;
// Sample graph input object
let edges = [
{ source: '0', target: '9' },
{ source: '9', target: '2' },
{ source: '2', target: '3' },
{ source: '2', target: '4' },
{ source: '3', target: '8' },
{ source: '8', target: '13' },
{ source: '8', target: '10' },
{ source: '10', target: '11' },
{ source: '10', target: '14' },
{ source: '14', target: '13' },
{ source: '11', target: '12' },
{ source: '4', target: '5' },
{ source: '5', target: '6' },
{ source: '5', target: '7' },
{ source: '13', target: '1' },
{ source: '6', target: '13' },
{ source: '12', target: '13' },
{ source: '7', target: '13' }
// Create object from Graph class with parameter as true indicating that input graph is directed
// false for undirected graphs
let g = new Graph(true);
// Add edges to graph using edges object
g.addFromObject(edges, 'source', 'target');
// Manually add edge from source to target
// g.addEdge('13', '8');
// Print graph with paths
// Print if input directed graph is cyclic
// Works only if input graph is set as directed in constructor `new Graph(true)`
console.log(`Is cyclic: ${g.isCyclic()}`);
// Check if path exists between two nodes
// returns array[boolean, array[nodes]]
console.log(g.isPathExists('9', '4'));
// Print path from a source vertex with depth first search algorithm
// Print path from a source vertex with breadth first search algorithm