Docker node client based on Axios
Node client library for Docker
A lean implementation of a node client targeting the Docker API.
npm i @grucloud/docker-axios
- Based on axios for commnucation with the docker API: UNIX socket and HTTP
- Implemented with the amazing functional programming library rubico, a better alternative to lodash and ramda.
Create a Docker client
Import the DockerClient
from @grucloud/docker-axios.
Create a client with options. These options are forwarded to axios
const { DockerClient } = require("@grucloud/docker-axios");
const docker = DockerClient({
baseURL: "http://localhost/v1.40",
socketPath: "/var/run/docker.sock",
timeout: 15e3,
Container API
Examples of the docker container API:
- list
- create
- start
- wait
- delete
Create a container
Please refer to the offical ContainerCreate documentation for a detailed list of the parameter.
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");
const path = require("path");
const containerImage = "grucloud-aws";
const localVolume = "volume";
const localVolumePath = path.resolve(localVolume);
const containerName = `${containerImage}-${uuidv4()}`;
const createParam = {
name: containerName,
body: {
Image: containerImage,
Cmd: ["help"],
HostConfig: {
Binds: [`${localVolumePath}:/app/output`],
const result = await docker.container.create(createParam);
Start a container
Start a container by name, options in ContainerStart
const startParam = {
name: containerName,
await docker.container.start(startParam);
Wait for a container
Wait for a container to finished.
const waitParam = {
name: containerName,
const result = await docker.container.wait(waitParam);
assert.equal(result.StatusCode, 0);
List containers
List all containers, options defined in ContainerList
const result = await docker.container.list({});
List a container by name:
const result = await docker.container.list({
filters: `{"name": ["${containerName}"]}`,
assert.equal(result.length, 1);
Get container detail
Get a container details, options defined in ContainerInspect
const result = await docker.container.get({ id: "container id" });
Retrieve container logs
Obtaint the logs from the container by name. See all options at ContainerLogs
const logParam = {
name: containerName,
options: {
stdout: 1,
stderr: 1,
//tail: 100,
//follow: 0,
const stream = await docker.container.log(logParam);
stream.on("data", (data) => {
stream.on("close", () => {});
stream.on("error", () => {});
Destroy a container
Delete a container by name, options in ContainerDelete
const destroyParam = {
name: containerName,
await docker.container.delete(destroyParam);