Virtual IRL Client
Virtual IRL
Virtual In-Real-Life
VIRL is a command-line virtual world, with the following features:
- You have an avatar that can move around the world.
- Your avatar can chat to people in the same room.
- You can ride the bus, take bar, taxi, and more to move between areas.
- Moving around the world takes time (eventually realistic time).
- You can inspect your environment, and pickup/drop items.
$ npm install -g git+ssh://[email protected]/virtual-irl/client.git
$ virl signup
username: ...
password: ...
$ virl login
Basic Commands
. read pending messages
. [MESSAGE] message everyone in the same room (domain)
cd PATH change domains
drop ITEM place an item from your inventory into the room
examine ITEM look closely at an item in the room
exit leave the current room
go (see: cd)
inv check your inventory
leave (see: exit)
look ITEM (see: examine)
ls [OPTIONS] look at the entire room
-a list avatars
-d list subdomains
-i list items
pwd print current domain path
take ITEM place an item from the room into your inventory
- This is a major work in progress
- The world gets reset every night (including signups)