Common visualization UI fragments.
Common visualization UI fragments
This library contains a number of user interface fragments to be used in visualization based on Data-Driven Documents.
Install the fragments using npm install --save @gros/visualization-ui
, then
use them in your visualization sources with
import {Locale, Navbar, Navigation, Spinner} from '@gros/visualization-ui';
This requires that your visualization is built via Webpack or some other dependency bundler that supports rewriting ES2015 or later syntax.
Additionally, to enable spinner animations, include the SCSS sources into your bundler, or add the distributed CSS bundle to a Web page, for example using:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/bundle.min.css">
The library provides four classes: Locale
, Navbar
, Navigation
. Objects must be instantiated with new
and be provided an object as
the first argument upon construction, which is provides configuration options
for the fragment except for Locale
where it provides localization
specifications. All classes except for Locale
have a configuration option
which defines a query selector for an element to insert the
fragment into. In the Navbar
class, the locale is passed separately upon
Create a localization object to provide translated messages and attributes of
a selected locale. For this purpose, the object must be instantiated with an
object containing locale-specific attribute objects, with language codes as
keys of the encompassing object. The attribute objects should have the same
keys as each other, where "messages"
plays a special role; it must be an
object containing message keys and raw output or sprintf
-compatible format
strings. Also, "language"
must provide a human-readable description of the
locale in its own language.
The localization object can select a different language at any time, and can be
queried for any attribute or message from the locale object. Additionally, it
can generate a navigation list for selecting a different language (but it does
not handle the selection change event itself and defaults to reloading the page
with a different language as query parameter and the same anchor), and it can
automatically replace elements with a data-message
attribute in the document
or a certain selection with their locale equivalent, using the element children
as arguments. It can also replace attributes of elements when they are prefixed
with data-message-
and their attribute name is explicitly provided in the
call to updateMessages
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import {Locale} from '@gros/visualization-ui';
import spec from './locales.json';
const locales = new Locale(spec, lang="en");
// Select locale from query string
console.log(locales.message("format", [3, 'baz']));
// Replace all messages in document
// Replace all messages in a selection
// Replace all messages in the document, including specific attributes
// (data-message-title and data-message-alt, in this example).
locales.updateMessages(d3.selection(), ["title", "alt"]);
// Generate navigation
locales.generateNavigation(d3.select("nav.languages"), "index.html", "lang");
Navigation bar
Create a horizontal navigation heading to provide a branding, menus and other accessibility links. The navigation bar structure is defined by nested objects and arrays, and optionally configuration and locale sources. The structure is optimized to define a navigation heading with items, links, icons, but also branding, burger, menu, dropdown and other sections.
import {Locale, Navbar} from '@gros/visualization-ui';
const locales = new Locale();
const nav = new Navbar({
"container": ".navbar", // Navbar container
"base_url": "https://test.example", // Canonical URL of "base" website
"languages": "#languages", // Selector of a menu in the structure
"language_page": "index.html", // Canonical (may be relative to base_url)
"language_query": "lang", // Query parameter to add for language switch
"my_url": "https://example.com" // Referenced from a link with "config" key
}, locales);
See tests/navbar.json for an example structure. A JSON schema, provided at schema/navbar.json, describes what a valid structure looks like. The JSON schema is distributed with the package as a version-dependent schema, and the latest stable version is provided at the URL defined in the schema. Depending on your development environment, the schema at any of these locations may be used for validation and code completion.
Note that the navigation heading may be extended with more JavaScript, in order to improve its functionality on mobile/touch devices, for example how dropdowns appear and how the menus function when the device switches between screen sizes that affect the responsive design. We do not provide this functionality because different choices may be made here and may be equally valid.
Create a horizontal navigation list to switch between views for different
selections. The URL state is changed via the location hash, which is also
checked on startup.
Multiple navigation objects can exist concurrently if a unique prefix
given to each of them. By default, the first item in the navigation is
selected, but this can be overridden by returning true
in setCurrentItem
in which case nothing is selected if an unknown item is set in the location
hash at start.
Setup and usage:
import {Navigation} from '@gros/visualization-ui';
const projectsList = ['BAR', 'BAZ', 'FOO'];
const projectsNavigation = new Navigation({
container: '#navigation',
prefix: 'project_',
setCurrentItem: (project, hasProject, list) => {
if (!hasProject) {
console.log('An unknown project was selected: ' + project);
else {
console.log('Selected project: ' + project);
return hasProject;
// Customize *link* properties of new items
addElement: (element) => {
element.text(d => `Project ${d}`);
// Access other *list item* selections via updateElement and removeElement
location.hash = '#project_FOO'; // Select the third project
location.hash = '#FOO'; // Not handled
location.hash = '#project_QUX'; // Unknown project selected
// Update navigation list
projectsNavigation.update(projectsList.concat('QUX', 'ZUR'));
The items in the list must be unique such that the appropriate element is
selected. Using data objects as items in the provided navigation list is also
supported as long as a key
configuration is provided which acts as both the
data key function and the default method of displaying text and creating
a comparable anchor in the navigation item link.
Create a loading spinner which can be shown until the data is fully loaded.
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import {Spinner} from '@gros/visualization-ui';
const loadingSpinner = new Spinner({
container: '#container',
id: 'loading-spinner',
width: d3.select('#container').node().clientWidth,
height: 100,
startAngle: 220
loadingSpinner.update({width: 100}); // New configuration
// ... Perform some loading, processing, etc.
- The repository can be found on GitHub.
- GitHub Actions is used to run unit tests.
- SonarCloud performs quality gate scans and tracks them.
- Coveralls receives coverage reports and tracks them.
- You can perform local tests using
npm test
. This requires the source code repository for the test suite and installing the development dependencies, usingnpm install
in the cloned repository directory. - We publish releases to npm.
- Noteworthy changes to the library are added to the changelog.
The visualization fragments library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.