module to use blocks that are part of shoplist between projects
This is a separated module, related with shoplist-template repository Main goal is to separate development process and have a separated place, where we can develop the logic of default components and then use them into our project
Our first goal to create a flexible set of components, that will became a shopping list page, that will display our grocery list data.
[x] https://blog.bitsrc.io/tiny-components-what-can-go-wrong-d6aa42d71370
[x] move to this repository all components from https://github.com/GroceriStar/react-shopping-list-template/tree/master/src/components/Ingredient
[ ] should we keep all of these components inside of the "Ingredient" folder? I don't think so...
[ ] clean up our components from groceristar fetch stuff
[ ] add some routers stuff here...
[ ] replace paths for imports.....
[ ] replace shortid with uuid
[ ] basic clean up for this components
[ ] get rid of gs-fetch as part of this code
[ ] install all necessary modules from shop-list in order to make everyhing work. like react-dnd, antd
[ ] should work with our List module, from gs/grocery-component repo
[ ] each set of components can have a separated component, that will used only for displaying at Example-like pages. Right now we have one Example page at our shoplist-template repo but it's hard to navigate
[ ] Bitsrc.io, and preview of components...
[ ] eslint and fix!
[ ] clean up Examples
[ ] reaplace delete icon with antd
[ ] replace screens with views
[ ] move stuff from shoplist template from screens, that related to components from examples
[ small clean project with just react - components and antd]
fix shopping list template project
use https://github.com/standard/standard
Some of the details about components that we'll have here are described at this task: https://github.com/GroceriStar/react-shopping-list-template/issues/109
Showcase is a project where we trying to incorporate two major tasks:
- show to a new users a collection of grocery lists - before they sign up - they want to explore the data that we have
- figure out the way about making GL downloable by generating a simple PDF file
While we're coding it - we also extending the code base of GS, by testing fetch plugin, by moving away basic components, like lists, grocerylist component, etc...
Major goals for this project are -
- separate an in-development components that we want to use as part of our groceristar project
- make it less confusing and less requiring a lot of attention about keeping in mind what exactly we did before
Stretch goals:
- [ ] install and connect Raven at index.js
- [ ] adjust logic of envconfig and try to connect to our local/shared servers
- [ ] make first axios calls and be happy to receive json results
- [ ] connect to our simple fake-api that i've created...