select fields, food projects
Right now our select is bound with AntD library and this is not good, but at least it works as we need it at our search form project: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/recipe-search-react
Simple project where i'm testing how this component work: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/selects
we also have a separated repo for just testing this selects: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/selects/blob/master/src/components/SearchForm/SelectContainer.js
and our meal form that we has right now at #23 and move later to recipe-box project is: https://github.com/GroceriStar/react-only-intern-23 & https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/recipe-box
we also can try to combine our meal form at separated calendar plugin in order to test that everything is working fine https://github.com/GroceriStar/calendar
answer the question - can we have this package build without having AntD as dependencies here???
I want to make a 2 versions of this component: clean, without any markup
and version that work with antd select - which is our current ui library and version with react-select - which we trying to use, but it was hard for me to make it work for our case....
Hierarhy is:
- GroupedElements
- SelectContainer
SelectContainer uses AntD design.
ReactSelectWrapper uses React-select module
[ ] add ability to call components like ~"name/%Component_Folder%" == "name/Component_Folder/Component_name" at babel config
[ ] test how Creatable will handle a disabled flag(i assume ok, but we don't know it)
[ ] handle ingredients case - when you have 13000 items - and it's better to fetch them dynamically