Color space conversions and data
- rgb.yuv error
Conversions and data for color spaces. Demo.
var space = require('color-space');
//convert lab to lch
var result = space.lab.lch([80,50,60]);
You can require a separate space to reduce size significantly:
var rgb = require('color-space/rgb');
var hsl = require('color-space/hsl');
//convert rgb to hsl
<space>.name //space name
<space>.min //channel minimums
<space>.max //channel maximums
<space>.channel //channel names
<space>.alias //alias space names
- [x] RGB — additive color model based on red, green and blue primary colors.
- [x] HSL — cylindrical-coordinates representation of RGB.
- [x] HSV, HSB
- [x] HWB
- [x] HSI — used for computer vision due to better separation of shapes in an image, comparing to HSL/HSB.
- [x] CMYK
- [x] CMY
- [x] XYZ
- [x] XYY (YXY)
- [x] LAB
- [x] LCHab
- [x] LUV
- [x] LCHuv
- [x] HSLuv
- [x] HPLuv
- [x] LABHunter
- [x] YUV
- [x] YIQ
- [x] YCgCo
- [x] YDbDr
- [x] YPbPr
- [x] YCbCr
- [x] YcCbcCrc
- [x] JPEG
- [x] XvYCC
- [x] UCS
- [x] UVW
- [ ] Munsell
- [ ] NCS
- [ ] PMS
- [ ] RAL
- [ ] TSL
- [ ] RG
- [ ] RGK
- [x] Coloroid — color space for architects and visual constructors, Hungarian Standard MSZ 7300 since 2000.
- [ ] OSA-UCS — accurately reprsenting uniform color differences, developed by the Optical Society of America’s Committee on Uniform Color Scales.
- [ ] HKS
- [x] LMS — represents sensitivity of the human eye to Long, Medium and Short wavelengths.
- [x] Cubehelix — colormaps for data visualization.
- [ ] Gray
- [ ] CIECAM02
- [ ] US Federal Standard 595
- [ ] Toyo
- [ ] PhotoYCC
- [x] HCG
- [ ] HCL
- [x] HSP
- [ ] HCY
- [x] YES — computationally effective color space for face recognition.
- [ ] British Standard Colour
- [ ] RG chromacity
- [ ] CIE DSH
- [ ] HSM
Please fork, add color space with basic conversions to/from XYZ or RGB and tests. The goal of project is to provide the most complete set of color spaces with maximally minimal uniform API.
Thanks to all the color scientists, who devoted their lives to color research and delivered their knowledge to us, for now we can trust them and use their formulas and their code.
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- colormap — collection of colormaps to map colors of images/data. A replacement for visualising spaces like cubehelix.
- color-spectrum — convert spectrum to a color.
- color-interpolate — interpolate between color values.
- color-tool — color picker based on color-space.