Greenlight Command Line Interface
Greenlight CLI
Greenlight Command Line Interface
npm install --production --save @greenlight/cli
greenlight <command>
greenlight filesystem [source] run plugin analysis for "filesystem"
greenlight git [source] run plugin analysis for "git"
--version Show version number [boolean]
--config path to greenlight config file
--reporter Use the specified output reporter [string]
[choices: "text", "json", "html", "silent"]
[default: "text"]
--soft-exit do not exit(1) if issues are found [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
greenlight /path/to/project
● audits/dummy found 0 issues
● audits/demo found 10 issues
● audits/eslint found 1 issues
● audits/demo issues: 10
79:43 major Unexpected ronald with a shirty mosque approval
38:3 minor Unexpected hospital with a heedless report network
14:64 major Unexpected drawer with a pimpled appliance spider
83:10 info Unexpected kite with a trillion mother-in-law bladder
29:51 minor Unexpected digestion with a phocine secretary hamburger
99:10 minor Unexpected force with a waspy atom dresser
24:24 info Unexpected daffodil with a tussal step town
31:40 minor Unexpected daniel with a trustless cover metal
33:34 critical Unexpected toy with a silenced cream rabbit
53:55 info Unexpected wren with an hourlong sort tsunami
● audits/eslint issues: 1
2:7 major 'settings' is assigned a value but never used. no-unused-vars
License: ISC • Copyright: greenlight.ci • Github: @greenlight • Twitter: @greenlightCI