A wrapper around data fetching
Data Source ·
Data Source is a simple wrapper around data fetching. It is a kind of "port" in clean architecture. It allows you to make wrappers for stuff around data fetching depending on your use cases. Data Source uses react-query under the hood.
npm install @gravity-ui/data-source @tanstack/react-query
is a peer dependency.
Getting started
Firstly, define a type of error and make your constructors for data sources and your error based on default constructors (makePlainQueryDataSource / makeInfiniteQueryDataSource). For example:
import {makePlainQueryDataSource as makePlainQueryDataSourceBase} from '@gravity-ui/data-source';
export interface ApiError {
title: string;
code?: number;
description?: string;
export const makePlainQueryDataSource = <TParams, TRequest, TResponse, TData, TError = ApiError>(
config: Omit<PlainQueryDataSource<TParams, TRequest, TResponse, TData, TError>, 'type'>,
): PlainQueryDataSource<TParams, TRequest, TResponse, TData, TError> => {
return makePlainQueryDataSourceBase(config);
Write a DataLoader
component based on default. This is convenient to define your display of the loading status and errors. For example:
import {
DataLoader as DataLoaderBase,
DataLoaderProps as DataLoaderPropsBase,
} from '@gravity-ui/data-source';
export interface DataLoaderProps
extends Omit<DataLoaderPropsBase<ApiError>, 'LoadingView' | 'ErrorView'> {
LoadingView?: ComponentType;
ErrorView?: ComponentType<ErrorViewProps<ApiError>>;
export const DataLoader: React.FC<DataLoaderProps> = ({
LoadingView = YourLoader,
ErrorView = YourError,
}) => {
return <DataLoaderBase LoadingView={LoadingView} ErrorView={ErrorView} {...restProps} />;
Define your first data source:
export const objectDataSource = makePlainQueryDataSource({
// Keys have to be unique. Maybe you should create a helper for making names of data sources
name: 'object',
// skipContext is just a helper to skip 2 first parameters in the function (context and fetchContext)
fetch: skipContext(objectFetch),
Use it in the application:
import {useQueryData} from '@gravity-ui/data-source';
export const SomeComponent: React.FC = () => {
const {data, status, error, refetch} = useQueryData(objectDataSource, {objectId: 1});
return (
<DataLoader status={status} error={error} errorAction={refetch}>
{data && <ObjectComponent object={data} />}