Resolves gravity for bodies, performing calculations on the gpu
Gravity Resolver
Provides two classes for performing gravity calculations in 2D.
Gravity Resolver
Given an array of bodies, parallelly performs gravity calculations between all bodies on GPU, and returns the array of bodies with updated position and velocity vectors
Barnes Hut Tree Resolver
Given an array of bodies and a quadtree of nodes with references to the bodies, parallelly performs gravity calculation approximation via the barnes hut algorithm, and returns the array of bodies with updated position and velocity vectors
npm install @gravity-simulator/gravity-resolver
Bodies should provide the following properties:
- mass: number
- positionX: number
- positionY: number
- velocityX: number
- velocityY: number
Example usage - Gravity Resolver
const GravityResolver = require('@gravity-simulator/gravity-resolver').GravityResolver;
const resolver = new GravityResolver();
const bodies = [{mass: 100, positionX: 40, positionY: 120, velocityX: 0, velocityY: 0},
{mass: 200, positionX: 80, positionY: 120, velocityX: 0, velocityY: 0},
{mass: 50, positionX: 160, positionY: 40, velocityX: 0, velocityY: 0},
{mass: 100, positionX: 160, positionY: 160, velocityX: 0, velocityY: 0}];
==> [
mass: 100,
positionX: 40.132930755615234,
positionY: 120.00064086914062,
velocityX: 0.13292938470840454,
velocityY: 0.00064300955273211
mass: 200,
positionX: 79.9514389038086,
positionY: 120.0028305053711,
velocityX: -0.048557523638010025,
velocityY: 0.0028280343394726515
mass: 50,
positionX: 159.98495483398438,
positionY: 40.020660400390625,
velocityX: -0.015048785135149956,
velocityY: 0.02065981552004814
mass: 100,
positionX: 159.97171020507812,
positionY: 159.98336791992188,
velocityX: -0.028289951384067535,
velocityY: -0.016628986224532127
Both Resolvers accept an input to the constructor for a gravity constant (default = 1)
Gravity Resolver is suitable for smaller numbers of bodies. For larger numbers of bodies, Barnes Hut Tree resolver should offer greater performance. To build the quadtree, use barnes-hut-tree-builder module https://www.npmjs.com/package/barnes-hut-tree-builder, using the buildToArray method.
This project is still in early development and further features for ease of use, as well as more extensive documentation will be coming in later versions.