A module to build quadtrees for the barnes-hut algorithm with high performance, implemented using WebAssembly (WIP)
The aim of this project is to attempt to implement a module that can be used to build a quadtree from a list of bodies to be used in calculating their gravitational pull on each other, as per the barnes-hut algorithm.
N.B. This project is still in early development. The first stable build will be 1.0.0
npm i --save barnes-hut-tree-builder
import { BarnesHutTreeBuilder } from 'barnes-hut-tree-builder';
(async function() {
const treeBuilder = await BarnesHutTreeBuilder.create();
const bodies = [
{mass: 100, positionX: 50, positionY: 90},
{mass: 100.01, positionX: 298, positionY: 91},
{mass: 200, positionX: 709.45, positionY: 539.01111}
return treeBuilder.build(bodies, 1000, 0, 0)
/* Resolves to:
positionX: 441.7214069648259,
positionY: 314.74996125096874,
mass: 400.01,
width: 1000,
cornerX: 0,
cornerY: 0,
body: undefined,
subnodes: [{
positionX: 174.00619969001553,
positionY: 90.50002499875006,
mass: 200.01,
width: 500,
cornerX: 0,
cornerY: 0,
body: undefined,
subnodes: [{
positionX: 50,
positionY: 90,
mass: 100,
width: 250,
cornerX: 0,
cornerY: 0,
body: { mass: 100, positionX: 50, positionY: 90 },
subnodes: []
}, {
positionX: 298,
positionY: 91,
mass: 100.01,
width: 250,
cornerX: 250,
cornerY: 0,
body: { mass: 100.01, positionX: 298, positionY: 91 },
subnodes: []
}, {
positionX: 709.45,
positionY: 539.01111,
mass: 200,
width: 500,
cornerX: 500,
cornerY: 500,
body: [Object],
subnodes: []
Use the async method BarnesHutTreeBuilder.create to get a new BarnesHutTreeBuilder object.
The BarnesHutTreeBuilder has two methods: #build and #buildToArray They both accept an array of bodies, width and cornerX, cornerY (on the assumption that the area is a square)
Bodies should have the properties; mass, positionX and positionY.
#build returns an object tree where each node has up to four subnodes. #buildToArray returns a two dimensional array, each item containing 12 values.