Indexer agent
Indexer Agent
graph-indexer-agent start
Start the agent
--network-provider, --ethereum Ethereum node or provider URL
[string] [required]
--ethereum-polling-interval Polling interval for the Ethereum provider
(ms) [number] [default: 4000]
--gas-increase-timeout Time (in seconds) after which transactions
will be resubmitted with a higher gas price
[number] [default: 240]
--gas-increase-factor Factor by which gas prices are increased when
resubmitting transactions
[number] [default: 1.2]
--gas-price-max The maximum gas price (gwei) to use for
[deprecated] [number] [default: 100]
--base-fee-per-gas-max The maximum base fee per gas (gwei) to use for
transactions, for legacy transactions this
will be treated as the max gas price [number]
--transaction-attempts The maximum number of transaction attempts
(Use 0 for unlimited) [number] [default: 0]
--mnemonic Mnemonic for the operator wallet
[string] [required]
--indexer-address Ethereum address of the indexer
[string] [required]
Indexer Infrastructure
--index-node-ids Node IDs of Graph nodes to use for indexing
(separated by commas) [array] [required]
--indexer-management-port Port to serve the indexer management API at
[number] [default: 8000]
--metrics-port Port to serve Prometheus metrics at
[number] [default: 7300]
--syncing-port Port to serve the network subgraph and other
syncing data for indexer service at
[number] [default: 8002]
--log-level Log level [string] [default: "debug"]
--graph-node-query-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for querying subgraphs
[string] [required]
--graph-node-status-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for indexing statuses
etc. [string] [required]
--graph-node-admin-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for applying and
updating subgraph deployments
[string] [required]
--enable-auto-migration-support Auto migrate allocations from L1 to L2
(multi-network mode must be enabled)
[boolean] [default: false]
--public-indexer-url Indexer endpoint for receiving requests from
the network [string] [required]
--indexer-geo-coordinates Coordinates describing the Indexer's
location using latitude and longitude
[string] [default: ["31.780715","-41.179504"]]
--restake-rewards Restake claimed indexer rewards, if set to
'false' rewards will be returned to the
wallet [boolean] [default: true]
--allocation-management Indexer agent allocation management
automation mode (auto|manual)
[string] [default: "auto"]
--auto-allocation-min-batch-size Minimum number of allocation transactions
inside a batch for auto allocation
management. No obvious upperbound, with
default of 1 [number] [default: 1]
Network Subgraph
--network-subgraph-deployment Network subgraph deployment [string]
--network-subgraph-endpoint Endpoint to query the network subgraph from
--allocate-on-network-subgraph Whether to allocate to the network subgraph
[boolean] [default: false]
--epoch-subgraph-endpoint Endpoint to query the epoch block oracle subgraph
from [string] [required]
--default-allocation-amount Default amount of GRT to allocate to a subgraph
deployment [number] [default: 0.01]
--register Whether to register the indexer on chain
[boolean] [default: true]
Query Fees
--rebate-claim-threshold Minimum value of rebate for a single
allocation (in GRT) in order for it
to be included in a batch rebate
claim on-chain
[number] [default: 1]
--rebate-claim-batch-threshold Minimum total value of all rebates
in an batch (in GRT) before the
batch is claimed on-chain
[number] [default: 5]
--rebate-claim-max-batch-size Maximum number of rebates inside a
batch. Upper bound is constrained by
available system memory, and by the
block gas limit
[number] [default: 100]
--voucher-redemption-threshold Minimum value of rebate for a single
allocation (in GRT) in order for it
to be included in a batch rebate
claim on-chain
[number] [default: 1]
--voucher-redemption-batch-threshold Minimum total value of all rebates
in an batch (in GRT) before the
batch is claimed on-chain
[number] [default: 5]
--voucher-redemption-max-batch-size Maximum number of rebates inside a
batch. Upper bound is constrained by
available system memory, and by the
block gas limit
[number] [default: 100]
--gateway-endpoint, Gateway endpoint base URL
--collect-receipts-endpoint [string] [required]
Cost Models
--inject-dai Inject the GRT to DAI/USDC conversion rate into cost model
variables [boolean] [default: true]
--postgres-host Postgres host [string] [required]
--postgres-port Postgres port [number] [default: 5432]
--postgres-username Postgres username [string] [default: "postgres"]
--postgres-password Postgres password [string] [default: ""]
--postgres-database Postgres database name [string] [required]
--postgres-pool-size Postgres maximum connection pool size
[number] [default: 50]
--poi-disputable-epochs The number of epochs in the past to look for
potential POI disputes [number] [default: 1]
--poi-dispute-monitoring Monitor the network for potential POI disputes
[boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--offchain-subgraphs Subgraphs to index that are not on chain
(comma-separated) [array] [default: []]
--dai-contract Address of the DAI or USDC contract to use for the
--inject-dai conversion rate
[string] [default: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"]
graph-indexer-agent start
in Multi Network Mode
To use the Indexer Agent in Multi Network Mode, set the environment variable
to "true"
before running the command.
Start the Agent in multiple Protocol Networks
Indexer Infrastructure
--index-node-ids Node IDs of Graph nodes to use for indexing
(separated by commas) [array] [required]
--indexer-management-port Port to serve the indexer management API at
[number] [default: 8000]
--metrics-port Port to serve Prometheus metrics at
[number] [default: 7300]
--syncing-port Port to serve the network subgraph and other
syncing data for indexer service at
[number] [default: 8002]
--log-level Log level [string] [default: "debug"]
--graph-node-query-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for querying subgraphs
[string] [required]
--graph-node-status-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for indexing statuses
etc. [string] [required]
--graph-node-admin-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for applying and updating
subgraph deployments [string] [required]
--enable-auto-migration-support Auto migrate allocations from L1 to L2
(multi-network mode must be enabled)
[boolean] [default: false]
--postgres-host Postgres host [string] [required]
--postgres-port Postgres port [number] [default: 5432]
--postgres-username Postgres username [string] [default: "postgres"]
--postgres-password Postgres password [string] [default: ""]
--postgres-database Postgres database name [string] [required]
--postgres-pool-size Postgres maximum connection pool size
[number] [default: 50]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-p-offchain-subgraphs Subgraphs to index that are not on
chain (comma-separated)
[array] [default: []]
--network-specifications-directory, Path to a directory containing
--dir network specification files
[string] [required]
Copyright © 2020 The Graph Foundation
Licensed under the MIT license.