Graphistry API client for use with node.js
: Graphistry's Node.js client API
Automatically upload and visualize datasets using node, powered by Graphistry's GPU graph visualization infrastructure
npm install @graphistry/node-api
Standard native esm
import { EdgeFile, NodeFile, Dataset, Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
Still transitioning to esm
- You may need
"type": "module"
in yourpackage.json
- Transpiling should preserve esm import syntax. Ex:
"babel": { "presets": [ ["@babel/preset-env", {"modules": false}] ] }
The node-api-test sample project shares an example of a native node project. Please contact the team for additional format support.
The many options
The API is split between the client wrapper and the JSON configuration payloads:
API docs: Overall Node.js client llibrary- Graphistry REST API docs: JSON payload options around configuring file formats and visualization settings
Ex: JavaScript with async/await
import { EdgeFile, NodeFile, Dataset, Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
//defaults: 'https', 'hub.graphistry.com', 'https://hub.graphistry.com'
const client = new Client('my_username', 'my_password');
//columnar data is fastest; column per attribute; reuse across datasets
const edgesFile = new EdgeFile({'s': ['a1', 'b2'], 'd': ['b2', 'c3']});
const nodesFile = new NodeFile({'n': ['a1', 'b2', 'c3'], 'a1': ['x', 'y', 'z']});
const dataset = new Dataset({
node_encodings: { bindings: { node: 'n' } },
edge_encodings: { bindings: { source: 's', destination: 'd' } },
metadata: {},
name: 'testdata',
}, edgesFile, nodesFile);
await dataset.upload(client);
console.info(`View at ${dataset.datasetID} at ${dataset.datasetURL}`);
Ex: TypeScript with async/await
Exactly the same!
Ex: Using promises
import { EdgeFile, NodeFile, Dataset, Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
//defaults: 'https', 'hub.graphistry.com', 'https://hub.graphistry.com'
const client = new Client(user, password);
//columnar data is fastest; column per attribute; reuse across datasets
const edgesFile = new EdgeFile({'s': ['a1', 'b2'], 'd': ['b2', 'c3']});
const nodesFile = new NodeFile({'n': ['a1', 'b2', 'c3'], 'a1': ['x', 'y', 'z']});
(new Dataset({
node_encodings: { bindings: { node: 'n' } },
edge_encodings: { bindings: { source: 's', destination: 'd' } },
metadata: {},
name: 'testdata',
}, edgesFile, nodesFile))
.then(dataset => {
console.info(`View at ${dataset.datasetID} at ${dataset.datasetURL}`);
.catch(err => {
console.error('Oops', err);
Ex: Apache Arrow uploads
We recommend uploading Apache Arrow format data in most scenarios due to the speed and reliability guarantees:
import { tableFromArrays, tableToIPC, Table } from 'apache-arrow';
import { EdgeFile } from '@graphistry/node-api';
//columnar data is fastest; column per attribute; reuse across datasets
const edgesJSON = {'s': ['a1', 'b2'], 'd': ['b2', 'c3']};
const edgesTable: Table = tableFromArrays(edgesJSON);
const edgesUint8: Uint8Array = tableToIPC(edgesArr, 'file');
const edgesFile = new EdgeFile(edgesUint8, 'arrow');
Ex: Using an organization
You can log into an organization instead of a personal account
import { Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
const c = new Client('my_user', 'my_pass', 'my_org');
Ex: Custom token
If you already have a JWT token, you can pass it in
import { Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
const c = new Client();
c.setToken('Bearer 123abc');
Ex: Custom server
You can switch which server to use for uploads and for downloads, which is useful for self-hosted servers and advanced enterprise network configurations
import { Client } from '@graphistry/node-api';
const c = new Client(
'my_user', 'my_pass', 'optional_my_org',
'https', //upload protcol
'hub.graphistry.com', //upload server
'https://hub.graphistry.com' //url to use in browsers
Using API Options
Set parsing options for different
formats and shapesConfigure
nodes & edges to use data-driven colors, sizes, icons, and badges using simple and complex encodings, including both continuous and categorical mappingsTheme with custom branding around background & foreground colors, images, logos, titles, and more
const client = new Client(user, password, org, protocol, host);
// Row-oriented data slower to upload but often convenient
const edgesRows = [
{ 's': 'a', 'd': 'b', 'v': 'e1' },
{ 's': 'b', 'd': 'c', 'v': 'e2' },
{ 's': 'c', 'd': 'a', 'v': 'e3' }
const nodesRows = [
{ 'n': 'a', 'vv': 10, 't': 'person' },
{ 'n': 'b', 'vv': 20, 't': 'person' },
{ 'n': 'c', 'vv': 30 , 't': 'car' }
const edgesFile = new EdgeFile(
edgesRows, 'json', 'my_edges',
// Also: file_compression, sql_transforms, ...
// https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/files/
// JSON parsing options:
// - https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/data/#uploadjson2
// - https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.read_json.html
parser_options: {
orient: 'records' // Row-oriented: Array of objects
} // Default: to columnar json - Object of arrays
// Node files are optional, mainly for properties
const nodesFile = new NodeFile(nodesRows);
const dataset = new Dataset(
// Also: color, size, title, icon, badge, axis
// - https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/colors
// - https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/complex/
node_encodings: {
bindings: {
node: 'n', // id (required)
node_title: 'vv'
complex: {
default: {
pointColorEncoding: {
graphType: "point",
encodingType: "color",
attribute: "vv",
variation: "continuous",
colors: ["blue", "yellow", "red"]
pointIconEncoding: {
graphType: "point",
encodingType: "icon",
attribute: "t",
variation: "categorical",
mapping: {
categorical: {
fixed: {
"person": "user",
"car": "car"
other: "question"
//Also: color, weight, icon, badge, title
// - https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/colors
// - https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/complex/
edge_encodings: {
bindings: {
source: 's', destination: 'd'
complex: { }
// Brand & theme: Background, foreground, logo, page metadata
// https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/2/rest/upload/metadata/
metadata: {
bg: {
color: 'silver'
logo: {
"url": "http://a.com/logo.png",
name: 'testdata',
// Visual and layout settings
// https://hub.graphistry.com/docs/api/1/rest/url/#urloptions
strongGravity: true,
edgeCurvature: 0.5
await dataset.upload(client);
console.info(`View dataset ${dataset.datasetID} at ${dataset.datasetURL}`);
console.info(`Dataset using node file ${nodesFile.fileID}, edge file ${edgesFile.fileID}`);
Underlying REST API
For further information about authentication, files, and datasets, see the Graphistry REST API docs.
Types are already automatically bundled with this module
For source maps, you may want to add NODE_OPTIONS=--enable-source-maps
to your environment or run node as node --enable-source-maps