npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Provides interfaces for quick creation of Wyn front-end apps, e.g. dashboards/report designers or viewers.




Wyn Integration

Wyn Enterprise, is a seamless embedded business intelligence (BI) platform. Embedded BI enables you to access reports and real-time dashboards within the application you use daily. This not only saves you time, but also provides self-service capabilities for your end-users and allows you to leverage analytics as part of your standard workflow, ultimately enabling more data-driven decisions to be made.

Designed for embedded BI, Wyn’s versatile platform offers flexible deployment and integration, making installation smooth and straightforward.


To install latest release version:

npm install @grapecity/wyn-integration


  • Using the package name:
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
  • Use source code for this package
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration/index";


  • Add Dashboard Designer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: 'e9ab2113-32bd-403e-9f0a-eb2b0438f864',
        lng: 'en',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dashboard Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: '0bead052-d56a-4fac-897b-a2984c0208e3',
        theme: 'red',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dashboard Lite Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: '0bead052-d56a-4fac-897b-a2984c0208e3',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Scene Designer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Scene Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    docId: 'ee799c0e-f4cf-4a13-a8c2-0330f9409841',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Report Designer(Wyn server >= 5.1) to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    reportId: '1a8bbca0-51a9-4eb3-b42e-ff1f7b0f4b75',
}, '#wyn-root').then((ins) => {
  • Add Report Viewer(Wyn server >= 5.1) to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    reportId: '0ddb33e9-3211-4d96-9d25-ca34458dd8b9',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dataset/DataSource Designer/Viewer or model designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@grapecity/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '840fac96-abac-4276-8fb5-051eb07c95df',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '8ce06a89-85f9-4756-b052-fb3d7c832899',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add PushDataset/StreamDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {

    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add NativeQueryDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add DirectQueryDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Document Binder Designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Document Binder Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: '',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '8ce06a89-85f9-4756-b052-fb3d7c832899',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {



  • dashboardDesignerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • datasetId: string, not required; The dashboard dataset id.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • enableDeveloperMode: boolean, not required; Enable developer mode for custom visual dev tools.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • templateId: string, not required; The templateId create dashboard with.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • componentCategories: string[], not required; Control which component categories are available in the designer..
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableChangeDataset: boolean, not required; Control whether the user can change the binding dataset of the scenario.
      • showCloseButton: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the close button.
      • showDataBindingPanel: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the designer's data binding panel.
      • showHelpButton: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the help button.
      • showInspector: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the designer inspector.
      • showInspectorWhenOpen: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the inspector when open.
      • showMobileDesigner: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the mobile designer.
      • showPanelWhenOpen: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the panel when open.
      • showWizard: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the wizard.
      • toolbar: string, not required; Control the visibility of the viewer toolbar; that is, whether to show or hide the viewer toolbar. Default value is 'show', the acceptable Values: 'hide', 'show'.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onSave: (docName: string, id: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when the document has any error message.


  • dashboardViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • hideErrors: boolean, not required; Hide all dashboard error notifications.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • pageNumber: number, not required; The viewer page number, starts from 1..
      • scenario: string, not required; The single scenario name.
      • size: string, not required; Set the display mode of the dashboard in the viewer, the acceptable Values: 'fitheight' , 'fittoheight' , 'fitwidth' , 'fittowidth' , 'fitscreen' , 'fittoscreen' , 'auto'.
      • showScenarioTitle: boolean, not required; Show scenario title only when do single scenario integration.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableAutoScroll: boolean, not required; Control the autoscroll enabled.
      • disableAutoSwitchPage: boolean, not required; Control the auto switch page enabled.
      • hideToolbarActions: boolean, not required; Control the hidden toolbar action items.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; Invoked when the viewer is closed.
    • onRendered: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer rendered.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; Invoked when the document has any error message.


  • dashboardLiteViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • hideErrors: boolean, not required; Hide all dashboard error notifications.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • pageNumber: number, not required; The viewer page number, starts from 1..
      • scenario: string, not required; The single scenario name.
      • size: string, not required; Set the display mode of the dashboard in the viewer, the acceptable Values: 'fitheight' , 'fittoheight' , 'fitwidth' , 'fittowidth' , 'fitscreen' , 'fittoscreen' , 'auto'.
      • showScenarioTitle: boolean, not required; Show scenario title only when do single scenario integration.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableAutoScroll: boolean, not required; Control the autoscroll enabled.
      • disableAutoSwitchPage: boolean, not required; Control the auto switch page enabled.


  • sceneDesignerOptions: the Options specify the options/properties for the created scene designer or scene viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the scene.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onSave: (docName: string, id: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when the document has any error message.


  • sceneViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created scene designer or scene viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the scene.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; Invoked when the viewer is closed.
    • onRendered: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer rendered.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; Invoked when the document has any error message.

createDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: dataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the dataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close dataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the dataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the dataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about dataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the dataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add dataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasetViewer(options, selector)

  • options: dataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the dataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • documentId: string, required; The preview dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasourceDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: datasource designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the datasource designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The datasource designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close datasource designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the datasource id to be opened.
    • inDataset: boolean | null, not required; Create datasource in the dataset designer.
    • afterClose: void function | null, not required; Set function after close the datasource designer.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about datasource creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the datasource document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add datasource success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The datasource document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasourceViewer(options, selector)

  • options: datasource viewer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; The datasource viewer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset viewer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The datasource viewer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • documentId: string, required; The preview datasource document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createSemanticDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: semantic designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the semantic designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The semantic designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The semantic datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close semantic designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the semantic id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about semantic creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the semantic document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add semantic success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The semantic document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDirectQueryModelDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: directQuery model designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the directQuery model designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The directQuery model designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The directQuery model datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close directQuery model designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the directQuery model id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about directQuery model creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the directQuery model document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add directQuery model success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The directQuery model document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createCachedModelDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: cached Model designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the cached Model designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The cached Model designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The cached Model datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close cached Model designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the cached Model id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about cached Model creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the cached Model document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add cached Model success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The cached Model document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createPushDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: pushDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the pushDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The pushDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The pushDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close pushDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the pushDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the pushDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about pushDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the pushDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add pushDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The pushDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createNativeQueryDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: nativeQueryDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the nativeQueryDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The nativeQueryDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The nativeQueryDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close nativeQueryDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the nativeQueryDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the nativeQueryDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about nativeQueryDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the nativeQueryDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add nativeQueryDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The nativeQueryDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDirectQueryDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: directQueryDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the directQueryDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The directQueryDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The directQueryDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close directQueryDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the directQueryDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the directQueryDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about directQueryDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the directQueryDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add directQueryDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The directQueryDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createStreamingDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: streamingDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the streamingDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The streamingDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The streamingDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close streamingDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the streamingDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the streamingDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about streamingDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the streamingDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add streamingDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDocumentBinderDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: documentBinder designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the documentBinder designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The documentBinder designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The documentBinder designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close documentBinder designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the documentBinder id to be opened.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDocumentBinderViewer(options, selector)

  • options: documentBinder viewer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the documentBinder viewer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The documentBinder viewer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The documentBinder viewer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close documentBinder viewer button.
    • documentId: string; Set the documentBinder id to be opened.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createReportDesigner(options, selector)

The return type of this function is Promise<DesignerApi>. See for available DesignerApi functionality.

  • options: report designer creation options.

    • baseUrl:string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • reportId: string | null, not required; Set the report id to be opened.
    • reportVersion: number | null, not required; Set the report version to be opened. If not specified, the latest version is opened. Relevant only when reportId is defined.
    • isReportTemplate: boolean, not required; Set whether a report or a template is opened. Relevant only when reportId is defined.
    • productTitle: string, not required; Set your custom product title to be displayed in About dialog.
    • productVersion: string, not required; Set your custom product version to be displayed in About dialog. Relevant only when productTitle is defined.
    • applicationTitle: string, not required; Set your custom application title to be displayed in designer UI instead of the predefined title.
    • reportViewer: object, not required; Pass { disabled?: boolean; options?: object } object where options include all properties from except element, portalUrl, referenceToken, locale. If disabled is true, report cannot be previewed from designer.
    • other supported optional properties can be found at (except portalUrl, referenceToken, locale, openViewer, reportInfo, aboutInfo).
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createReportViewer(options, selector)

The return type of this function is Promise<Viewer>. See for available Viewer functionality.

  • options: report viewer creation options.

    • baseUrl:string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • reportId: string | null, not required; Set the report id to be opened.
    • reportParameters: array, not required; Pass the report parameters values as an array of { name: string; values: any[] } pairs.
    • other supported optional properties can be found at (except element, portalUrl, referenceToken, locale).
  • selector: the dom element selector.