Validation logic for Telegram Web Bots and Login Widgets
grammY validator
What is this
This package solves two problems at once:
- Validating data received via Web Apps for a Telegram Bot
- Checking authorization data for Telegram Login Widget
How to use
Deno: import from this URL: https://deno.land/x/grammy_validator/mod.ts
Node.js: npm install @grammyjs/validator
Web Bots: Validation
Web Bots can get access to window.Telegram.WebApp.initData
which must be sent to the server for validation.
The string value of initData
is a query string that you can simply append to a URL to fetch.
const url = "https://grammy.dev?" + window.Telegram.WebApp.initData;
await fetch(url);
This library helps you validate the resulting search query in the backend.
import { validateWebAppData } from "./src/mod.ts";
const token = ""; // <-- put your bot token here
const url = ctx.request.url; // get `URL` object from your web framework
if (validateWebAppData(token, url.searchParams)) { // pass `URLSearchParams` object
// data is from Telegram
Login Widget: Authorization
You can also check the signature if you are using a Telegram Login Widget.
import { checkSignature } from "./src/mod.ts";
const token = ""; // <-- put your bot token here
const payload = {
id: "424242424242",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
username: "username",
photo_url: "https://t.me/i/userpic/320/username.jpg",
auth_date: "1519400000",
hash: "87e5a7e644d0ee362334d92bc8ecc981ca11ffc11eca809505",
if (checkSignature(token, payload)) {
// data is from Telegram