SDK for mobile kit bridge to offer unified method signatures for Android/iOS.
This SDK is a generic SDK for native webviews. For Grab SuperApp
integration, please use the SuperApp SDK.
SDK for mobile module bridge to offer unified method signatures for Android/iOS.
Asynchronous returns
For example:
const identifier = await window.WrappedLocaleKit.invoke("getLocaleIdentifier");
await window.WrappedAnalyticsModule.invoke("track", { analyticsEvent: event });
await window.WrappedMediaKit.invoke("playDRMContent", { contentURL, license });
All module methods will have callback
as one of the parameters:
class AnalyticsModuleBridge {
fun track(requestString: String) {
val request = Gson().fromJson(...)
val callback = request.callback
final class AnalyticsModuleBridge: WKScriptMessageHandler {
func userContentController(
_ userContentController: WKUserContentController,
didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
let request = message.body as! [String : Any]
let callback = request["callback"] as! String
For the sake of standardization, all module methods must invoke the relevant callback after they finish, even if they run synchronously or do not have anything meaningful to return. Use the parameter callback
to identify the correct callback to invoke:
webView.evaluateJavascript("javascript:window.$callback(...)") { _ -> }
webView.evaluateJavascript("window.\(callback)(...)", nil)
The name of the callback always starts with:
For e.g.:
AnalyticsModule.track -> WrappedAnalyticsModule_trackCallback
MediaKit.playDRMContent -> WrappedMediaKit_playDRMContentCallback
This callback style allows us to pass errors to the partner app that they can handle in case something goes wrong.
Value streaming
All module methods return streams, e.g.:
/** Get stream of location updates. */
const subscription = window.WrappedLocationModule.invoke(
).subscribe({ next: console.log, complete: console.log });
Calling these methods returns DataStream
objects that can be subscribed to with StreamHandlers
(i.e. onValue
, onComplete
etc.). Once subscribe
is called, a Subscription
object is created to control when streaming should be terminated.
Note that DataStream
always creates new streams whenever subscribe
is called, so there is no need to worry about invoking it multiple times. The concept of DataStream
is similar to that of an Observable
, and it is easy to bridge the two:
const playObservable = new Observable(sub => {
const subscription = window.WrappedMediaKit.invoke('observePlayDRMContent', { isStream: true, ... }).subscribe({
next: data => sub.next(data),
complete: () => sub.complete(),
return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
playObservable.pipe(filter(...), map(...)).subscribe(...);
also supports Promise
-style chaining and async-await
. Instead of getting values over time, this will simply deliver the first value that arrives:
const { result, error, status_code } = await window.WrappedMediaKit.invoke('observePlayDRMContent', { isStream: true, ... });
Please be aware that Promises returned by bridged methods are non-eager, so they will only be triggered on invocation of then
, or after an await
in an async
Data format
Callback results must be in the format prescribed below:
type CallbackResult<T = unknown> = Readonly<{
/** The result of the operation. */
result: T,
/** The error object, if any. */
error: unknown,
/** The status code. */
status_code: number
Make sure native code is passing data in the correct format, or else callbacks will not be invoked.