Simple functional JavaScript animation library without any dependencies.
Simple Animation Library
It's complete functional JavaScript animation library without any dependencies. Simply animate anything with a progress callback. You can choose any easing you want.
npm i @gozenc/animpure
yarn add @gozenc/animpure
Sample Usage
import animate, { Eases } from "@gozenc/animpure";
const box = document.getElementById("box");
animate((progress: number) => {
// Progress starts from 0 to 1
// In this example; we want 0 to 100 so we multiply progress with 100
// So it goes 0,1,2,3... instead of 0.000000001, 0.000000002...
const animatedValue = (progress * 100).toFixed();
box.style.width = animatedValue + "px"
}, 1000, Eases.inOutQuint) // If no ease is passed, it will be linear.
Sample Usage with React as a Full Page Menu
You can use it a for full page menu, an example with React, Recoil and Tailwind classes. (If you willing to use this, you need to build a button to trigger the state):
import React from "react";
import { menuOpenedState } from "../store";
import animate, { Eases } from "@gozenc/animpure";
export default function Menu() {
const [menuOpened] = useRecoilState(menuOpenedState);
const container = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!container.current) return;
if (menuOpened) {
animate((progress: number) => {
const animatedValue = (progress * 100).toFixed();
container.current.style.height = animatedValue + "vh";
}, 1000, Eases.inOutQuint);
} else {
// If menu is not yet interacted - do nothing.
if (container.current.style.height === "") return;
animate((progress: number) => {
const animatedValue = (100 - (progress * 100)).toFixed();
container.current.style.height = animatedValue + "vh";
}, 1000, Eases.inOutQuint);
}, [menuOpened]);
const containerClasses = "bg-black fixed w-full z-20 border border-black";
return (
<div ref={container} className={containerClasses}/>
Thank you
For your interest. I am still developing it but you can download and use it. It's designed for thinking simple and lightweight code structures.