This CLI tool turns .json documents into .tt verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the json document and then creates a .tt file with the data and proof of integrity.
Document CLI tool
This CLI tool turns .json documents into .tt verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the json document and then creates a .tt file with the data and proof of integrity.
npm install -g @govtechsg/tradetrust-cli
The above command will install the tradetrust CLI to your machine. You will need to have node.js installed to be able to run the command.
Batching Documents
This command process all documents in the input directory and issue all of them in a single batch. It will then add the signature to the individual documents.
tradetrust batch <PathToUnsignedDocuments> <PathToSignedDocuments>
tradetrust batch ./documents/raw-documents/ ./documents/processed-documents/
2019-02-11T08:37:44.848Z info: Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
Verifying All Signed Document in a Directory
This command verifies that the document (and all it's evidence) is valid and is part of the document batch. However, it does not verify that the batch's merkle root is stored on the blockchain. User will need to verify that the document has indeed been issued by checking with the issuer's smart contract.
tradetrust verify-all <PathToDocument>
tradetrust verify-all ./documents/processed-documents
2019-02-11T08:38:36.767Z info: All documents in ./documents/processed-documents is verified
Verifying Single Signed Document
sign This command verifies that the document (and all it's evidence) is valid and is part of the document batch. However, it does not verify that the batch's merkle root is stored on the blockchain. User will need to verify that the document has indeed been issued by checking with the issuer's smart contract.
tradetrust verify <PathToDocument>
tradetrust verify ./documents/processed-documents/urn:uuid:08b1f10a-6bf0-46c8-bbfd-64750b0d73ef.json
2019-02-11T08:41:17.301Z info: Document's signature is valid!
2019-02-11T08:41:17.302Z warn: Warning: Please verify this document on the blockchain with the issuer's document store.
Document privacy filter
This allows document holders to generate valid documents which hides certain evidences. Useful for hiding grades lol.
tradetrust filter <inputDocumentPath> <outputDocumentPath> [filters...]
tradetrust filter signed/example1.json signed/example1.out.json transcript.0.grade transcript.1.grade
2019-02-11T08:43:50.643Z info: Obfuscated document saved to: signed/example1.out.json
tradetrust --version
npm run test