The client for Gotabit
Client for Gotabit.
npm install
npm i @gotabit/client
yarn install
yarn add @gotabit/client
Sign with client and broadcast
After creating the transaction message we need to send the payload to wallet so it can be signed. With the signature we can broadcast the transaction.
import { GotabitClient } from '@gotabit/client'
import { KeplrWallet } from '@gotabit/wallet-keplr'
const wallet = await KeplrWallet.init('test')
const gotabit = await GotabitClient.init(wallet, 'test')
const accounts = await gotabit.wallet.getAccounts()
const account = accounts[0].address
const client = await gotabit.signStargateClient()
const toAddress = 'gio1qdgzfy4vta5p43l4urdtmawka3qv2ldh4h0jay'
const msgSendtoken = createMsgSend(account, toAddress, '3', 'ugtb')
const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(account, [msgSendtoken], 'auto')
Init client without wallet. You can only use stargateClient and wasmClient without wallet.
const gotabit = await GotabitClient.init(null, 'test')
const wasmClient = await gotabit.wasmClient()
const response = await wasmClient.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, queryMsg)
Sign Arbitary message
This is an experimental implementation of ADR-36. Use this feature at your own risk.
import { verifyArbitrary } from '@gotabit/wallet-core'
import { KeplrWallet } from '@gotabit/wallet-keplr'
const wallet = await KeplrWallet.init('test')
const data = JSON.stringify({ title: 'Hello Gotabit' })
const signature = await wallet.signArbitrary(account, data)
const ok = verifyArbitrary(account, data, signature)
Query with extensions
Query base extensions
const client = await gotabit.stargateClient()
const queryClient = client.makeQueryClient()
const response = await queryClient.distribution.delegationRewards(
Query with additional extensions. You can pass multiple extensions as params.
import { setupGovExtension } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
const client = await gotabit.stargateClient()
const queryClient = client.makeQueryClient(setupGovExtension)
const response = await queryClient.gov.vote(proposalId, voterAddress)
Code built with the help of these related projects:
- cosmos/cosmjs CosmJS is the Swiss Army knife to power JavaScript based client solutions ranging from Web apps/explorers over browser extensions to server-side clients like faucets/scrapers in the Cosmos ecosystem.