<img alt="Do not use" height=45 width=45 src="https://dejpknyizje2n.cloudfront.net/svgcustom/templates/sample/do-not-use-thumb.png"/> Alpha Software. Do not use.
Alpha Software. Do not use.
- This is a fork of V-Py/Svelte-Kanban with multiuser functionality provided by Yjs
- This PR refactored V-Py/Svelte-Kanban to use Yjs documents via SvelteSyncedStore
- This PR added CRDT functionality to it
- Here's a movie demonstrating multiple browsers
- The interface is currently the same as V-Py/Svelte-Kanban. It will be changed to also accept a Yjs document. This component should not be used until that happens and several bugs are fixed.
Dev Mode
The easiest way to try this component is to run it in dev mode.
git clone https://github.com/agle-dev/svelte-kanban-crdt.git
cd svelte-kanban
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in two tabs in the same browser.
To use two different web browsers (eg Chrome and Safari), first run:
PORT=4444 npx y-webrtc server.js