Minimalistic bridge
Bridge app based on block header proofs
- main.ts - entry point for the validator app submiting blocks to the registry
- sdk.ts - sdk for submiting signed blocks from the registry to a bridge
Running the bridge validator app
- Run the script where you run your validator node
- The docker expects a local
to exists where the private key is - Alternatively you can provide a private key or mnemonic via env variables
(see below how to set env variables)
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoodDollar/GoodBridge/master/packages/bridge-app/dockerstart.sh -o dockerstart.sh
chmod u+x dockerstart.sh
Using the sdk
import { BridgeSDK } from "@gooddollar/bridge-app/dist/sdk.js";
// blockheaderregistry contract
const registry = "0x44a1E0A83821E239F9Cef248CECc3AC5b910aeD2";
// your custom bridges contracts implementing BridgeCore, key is chainId and value the bridge contract
const bridges = {"122":"0x...","1":"0x..."};
//the checkpoint update frequency
const stepSize = 10;
const bridgeSDK = new BridgeSDK(
// relayTx = async (sourceChainId: number, targetChainId: number, txHash: string, signer: Signer)
// this will fetch the signed block from the registry and the receipt proof for that txHash and submit them
// to the bridge contract
const = { relayTxHash, relayPromise } = await sdk.relayTx(sourceChain, targetChain, txHash, signer)
Advanced configuration via env variables
- Edit the dockerstart.sh script and overwrite env variables with
- OR create a
file in your localfusenet/config
folder, env vars defined in this file will override any defined via-e
Env variables
- POLLING_INTERVAL (default 5000) - How often to query RPCs for new blocks (milliseconds)
- LOG_LEVEL (default info)
- REGISTRY_RPC (default - RPC to for the blockchain with the registry contract
- FUSE_RPC (default - RPC for fuse
- CONSENSUS_ADDRESS (default 0x3014ca10b91cb3D0AD85fEf7A3Cb95BCAc9c0f79) - The fuse consensus contract to fetch latest set of validators and sign them
- TEST_MODE (default false) - When true will not submit blocks to registry
- STEP_SIZE (default 10) - Submit signed blockchain block every STEP_SIZE blocks
- CONFIG_DIR (default /config/) - Docker folder where private key json can be found
- DOTENV_FILE (default /config/.env) - Docker folder for .env to override defaults
Running app/sdk tests
- first deploy dev env by running in the
package the commandyarn start:dev
- run
yarn test