Release note generator
Release Note Generator
This command line utility will generate release notes based on the commit messages
How it works
It will
- Compare the live and master branches
- Find JIRA ticket references in the commits
- Fetch the JIRA ticket titles from JIRA
- Generate a Markdown list of all the tickets that have been affected
The generator will try it's best to determine the name of the project based on any package.json
file or the git repo url. That can be overriden using the --app-name <name>
Advanced features
Generating a PDF
The --pdf
option can be used to generate a pdf file with all the release notes in it
Copying to the clipboard
If the --clipboard
option is present, the markdown will be copied to your clipboard
Emailing the release notes
If the --email-to
option is present, it will email the notes using sendgrid. An api key is required
e.g --email-to "[email protected],[email protected]"
The subject of the mail can be overriden using --email-subject "Mail Subject"
Speficiying the commits to compare
By default, the generator will try to compare the origin/master
branch to the origin/live
That can be overriden to point to another branch or commit sha using the --head <head>
and --base <base>
This is useful when hooking it up to github actions, the pull_request
type provides variables such as ${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}}
which can be used.
Running the utility
npx @goodcity/release-notes
The tool can be run without any configurations, but specific JIRA and SENDGRID integrations can be configured via the following environment variables :
| Name | Default value | Description | |------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------| | SENDGRID_API_KEY | null | API Key used for mailing | | JIRA_HOST | jira.crossroads.org.hk | The JIRA endpoint to connect to | | JIRA_USERNAME | input request | The JIRA username | | JIRA_PASSWORD | input request | The JIRA passworld |
Options Overview
$> npx @goodcity/release-notes --help
Usage: @goodcity/release-notes [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --pdf ouputs to pdf
-c, --clipboard copies the markdown to your clipboard
-h, --head <head> The head ref or source branch (default: "origin/master")
-b, --base <base> The base ref or target branch (default: "origin/live")
--email-to <email> Recipients for the release notes
--email-subject <subject> Subject of the email
--app-name <name> Name of the app
--jira-code <code> Jira ticket code (default: "GCW")
--unshallow Unshallows a shallow repository before reading the commites
--help display help for command
Github action sample
Example: This will trigger a release email when a branch is merged into the live
# This workflow will do a clean install of node dependencies, build the source code and run tests across different versions of node
# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-nodejs-with-github-actions
name: Forward release notes
types: [closed]
- live
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js 12.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12.x
- name: Generate and email notes
run: npx @goodcity/release-notes --email-to "[email protected]" --head ${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} --base ${{github.event.pull_request.base.sha}} --email-subject "🚀 My App Release 🚀" --app-name "My App"
JIRA_USERNAME: ${{secrets.jira_username}}
JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.jira_password}}
SENDGRID_API_KEY: ${{secrets.sendgrid_api_key}}