DBbot is an npm package that allows researchers to create a bot based on a CSV file. The bot can query and filter the data of the CSV file, making it easy to interact with and manipulate large datasets.
DBbot is an npm package that allows researchers to create a bot based on a CSV file. The bot can query and filter the data of the CSV file, making it easy to interact with and manipulate large datasets.
Table of contents
- Easy to use and integrate
- Query and filter data from a CSV file
- Flexible and customizable
- Supports various data operations
Description of the chat
This is a description of what the user will see
First, the bot will provide the uaer an explaintion about the database (CSV file). Second, the bot will display the user a list of the columns of the database, and the user can choose from it which column he/she would like to query.
After ther user has choose the attribute (column) the bot will display a list the of operators of the chosen column. Each column has it's own operators. The operators are used for query the data. For example, if the user chose a "name" attribute and he/she want to query only the names that starts with the letter "S", he/she can choose the "StartWith" operator to achive that. Some operators require input of parameters. The bot will ask the user for it as well.
Once the operator has been chosen and given all his parameters, the bot will prompt the user if he/she would like to add another attribute to the query. If the user chooses "No", the bot will fetch the data from the database and provide the user a CSV file to download with the results. If the user chooses "Yes", the whole proccess will start over.
First, node.js should be installed on your machine. If you don't know how to install it, you can look at this guide
Start a new project
Open your code editor, and create new folder my-new-project.
Open the integrated terminal of your code editor, and navigate to your new project:
cd my-new-project
Then init a new node.js project with the command:
npm init
Install DBbot pakcage
You can install DBbot using npm:
npm install dbbot
And that's it! You are now ready to use DBbot.
Basic Example
Here is a basic example of how to use DBbot:
import { dbBot, app } from "dbbot";
// Initialize the bot with a CSV file
// Run the bot
By default the bot has 6 operators to query data from the csv columns:
- Numeric
- Equal
- Less
- Greater
- Range
- String
- SoundLike
- StartWith
Attributes with string values will have the string operators, and attributes with numeric values will have the numeric operators.
Custom operators
When building the bot, the developer can add custom operators to specific attributes. A custom operator must have the following:
- name: The name of the operator
- function: The function to execute for the query of the data. Read more below about the requirments of the function.
- dataType: The type of the values the operator can work with. - can only be "string" or "numeric"
- column: The name of the attribute (column) the operator will be assign to.
- params: The parameters of the function. Each parameter must have a name and a dataType.
The function
The function of the operator must always have a parameter called "cell" and a return value of type boolean. The cell parameter must always be the first one. For example:
// The function have a paraeter called "cell" which can be of type string or number
function startsWithB(cell: string) {
return cell.startsWith("B"); / return value of type boolean
Example of custom operator
const startWithBOperator = {
name: "startsWithB",
customFunction: function (cell: string) {
return cell.startsWith("B");
dataType: "string",
column: "name",
params: [
name: "cell",
dataType: "string",
dbBot.addCustomOperator(startWithBOperator); // add the operator to the bot
To add the operator to the bot, The addCustomOperator must be called with the operator as a parameter.
Handling null values
In many databaes there are missing values in some attributes. DBbot gives the researcher the option to decide how to treat those values.
The are some default value the researcher can change the null values to:
- mean: The mean on the not-null values of the attribute. Only for numeric attributes.
- median: The median on the not-null values of the attribute. Only for numeric attributes.
- mode: The mode on the not-null values of the attribute. Only for numeric attributes.
- remove: Remove the cells with null values.
- custom: A custom value.
// Define what values treat as null values
const nullValues = [null, "NA", NaN];
// Get the attribute
const heightColumn = dbBot.getColumnByName("height");
// Fill the null values with the mean of the attribute
heightColumn.fillNullValues("mean", nullValues);
// Fill the null values with a custom value - 5
heightColumn.fillNullValues("custom", nullValues, 5);
Another option is to fill al null values of all columns at the same time and with the same value (one for string attributes and one for numeric attributes)
// Define what values treat as null values
const nullValues = [null, "NA", NaN];
// Fill all null values
numericValue: -1,
stringValue: "FILL",
nullValue: nullValues,
Display name of an attribute
The name of each attribute can be changed:
// change a display name of "name" attribute to "newName"
dbBot.changeColumnDisplayName("name", "newName");
// If the new name is already exists in another attribute, it throw an error
The user will see the new name in the chat bot, and the dbBot.getColumnByName()
method will be affected as well.
NOTE: The dbBot.getColumnById()
will not be affected by changes in the display name of the attribute.
The id property of a column is a read only property, and can not be changed once the csv file get load.
All the messages of the chat bot can be changed.
There are two types of messages:
- Fixed in time messages
- Slots messgaes
The fixed in time messages has a fixed position in the chat, and only the text can be changed. The slots messages are messages that can be placed between the fixed in time messages, and the researcher can insert as many as he/she wants.
The fixed in time messages
- attributeMessage: In this message the user will see the list of attributes to choose from. The custom message is the text before the list.
- operatorMessage: Same as the attributeMessage, but with the operators list
- errorMessage: An error message in the chat, when the user enters invalid input.
- continueMessage: A message to confirm an continue the conversion, e.g. "Press 1 to continue"
- resultMessage: This message will be displayed to the user when the result of the query are ready.
The slots messages:
- welcomeSlot: Messages in this slots will be displayed at the begining of the chat.
- operatorSlot: Message in this slots will be displayed after the fix in time operatorMessage message.
- paramsSlot: Message in this slots will be displayed after the the messages of the params of the operator.
- restartSlot: Message in this slots will be displayed after the query has been chosen. This slots meant to ask the user if he/she wants to add another attribute to the query.
- resultSlot: Message in this slots will be displayed before the fix in time resultMessage message.
Example of fixed in time messages:
const messages = { attributeMessage: "Demo messages for attributes", operatorMessage: "Demo message for operators", errorMessage: "Demo error message", resultMessage: "Demo result message", }; dbBot.customMessages = messages;
Example of slots messages:
// welcome slot const welcomeMessages = []; const welcomeFirstMsg = "Demo welcome slot first message"; welcomeMessages.push(welcomeFirstMsg); const welcomeSecondMsg = "Demo welcome slot second message"; welcomeMessages.push(welcomeSecondMsg); // operator slot const operatorMessages = []; const operatorFirstMsg = "Demo operator slot first message"; operatorMessages.push(operatorFirstMsg); const operatorSecondMsg = "Demo operator slot second message"; operatorMessages.push(operatorSecondMsg); const slots = { welcomeSlot: welcomeMessages, operatorSlot: operatorMessages, }; dbBot.slots = slots;
The instance of the main bot class.
returns the data of the bot includes:
type: BotData
- headers: string[] - array of the headers of the csv file
- columns: Column[] - array of columns of the csv file
- customOperators: CustomOperator[] - array of the custom oprators defined by the researcher
returns the messages of the bot, both fixed in time and slots.
type: BotMessages
- customMessages: CustomMessages - the fixed in time messages
- slots: MessagesSlot - the slots messages
returns the column find by display name. If non exist, throw an error
return type: Column
- name: string - the name of the column to find
same as getColumnByName just by id
return type: Column
- id: string - the id of the column to find
change the display name of a column
return type: void
- name: string - the name of the column to change
- newName: string - the new name of the column to change to.
add custom operator
return type: void
params: AddCustomOperatorParams - object of params to add for the custom operator.
name: string - the name of the operator
customFunction: Function - the function of the operator
column: string - the name of the column to assign the operator to
message(optional): string - the message to display to the user after choosing this operator
params: Params[] - array of the parameters of the operator function
- name: string - the name of the parameter
- dataType: DataType - the data type of the parameter, string or numeric
- message(optional) - the message to display to the user before asking for input for this parameter
loads the csv file to the bot
return type: void
- path: string - the path to the csv file
fill all the defind null values in the in the attributes to a specific value (one for numeric attributes and one for the string attributes)
return type: void
params: fillNullValuesParams - the values to fiil
- numericValue(optional): number - the numeric value to fill
- stringValue(optional): string - the string value to fill
- nullValue: any[] - an array of what values are considered null
run the bot
return type: void
- bot: DBbot - the instance of the bot
returns the id of the column. readonly property
type: string
return the data of the column
return type: ColumnData
- id: string - the id of the column
- rows: any[] - the rows of the column
- dataType: DataType - the data type of the column. numeric or string
- displayName: string - the display name of the column
- operators: Operator[] - the operators of the column
NOTE: only for numeric columns
returns the mean of the column
return type: number
NOTE: only for numeric columns
returns the mode of the column
return type: number
NOTE: only for numeric columns
returns the median of the column
return type: number
fill the defined null values of the column with a specific values
return type: void
- method: nullMethod - the method for the function to use. options: mean, median, mode, remove and custom
- nullValue: any[] - an array of what values are considered null
- customValue(optional): NumOrStr - if the "custom" method has been chosen, the custom value to change to.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Special thanks to all the contributors and the open-source community.