<div align="center">
Floating Ecommerce Display - Iframe
| Staging Version | Production Version | |:----------------:|:-------------------:| | | |
Table of Contents
This project focuses on the implementation of an iFrame that embeds Live and is distributed to clients through a script. By employing an iFrame and a specialized script, it facilitates the dynamic delivery of real time experiences to end users, offering a practical and scalable solution for integrating Live into clients' sites.
- Show Live icon
- Autoplay iframe when a page is open
- Open iframe when press in Live icon
- Open Live in new tab when press in Live icon
- Change position of Live icon
The script accepts the following parameters
- showLiveButton - to show the live icon
- position - to put the icon on the left side or right side
- openNewTab - to open the live in a new tab
- autoPlayIframe - to leave the iframe open
- storeId - id of the client's store
- marginBottom - to define position of button in bottom, by default value is 0
Example Script
For use this project you need to start a Live and run the command server:dev
to start a project in local
- Simulate params of script in file App.tsx
const simulatedProps: AppProps = {
position: 'left',
autoPlayIframe: true,
openLiveNewTab: false,
return <ClickToCall {...simulatedProps} />;
Folder Structure
| |-- src/
| |-- app.tsx
| |-- index.tsx
| |-- App.css
| |-- index.css
| |-- components/
| | |-- Devices/
| |-- Forms/
| |-- Iframe/
| |-- Kit/
| |-- ClickToCall.tsx
| |-- ...
|-- README.md
How to work in this project
Two branchs:
- dev - for staging
- main - for production
Git flow:
- Create a new branch from dev and do the PR against the same branch.
- Once the PR has been merged against the dev branch, you need to create another PR against the main branch to take the changes to production.
Deploy changes:
- For Deploy changes you need access to gojiraf npm account -
You must consult the corresponding person for access
- Once you have access to gojiraf npm account you need to open terminal and run
npm login
- Then run the script publish corresponding to each environment
- Don't forguet to change package.json name with -prod or -test and the version of package