Node-RED nodes for GOcontroll Moduline controllers
A package for the GOcontroll node red nodes
provides access to some of the GOcontroll peripherals through node red
controller active
This node can be used to shut down the controller when all kl15s are low, this is a hard shutdown as it works by removing the voltage from the cpu enable pin. Use cautiously because of this, as it risks corrupting files that are currently buffered and not yet written to the filesystem.
controller supply
This node can be used to read out 4 different ADC values, K30 or battery voltage, and the 3 K15s that are present K15A/B/C.
Reads the cpu temperature.
status led
Controls the 4 enclosure LEDs. Note: the GOcontroll Moduline Display does not possess these leds therefore this node has no function on that particular board.
Reads out the option gps antenna that can be attached when the controller is equipped with an LTE modem. Note: the GOcontroll Moduline Display can't be equipped with an LTE modem therefore this node has no function on that particular board.
4-20mA module
Reads out up to 10 4-20mA sensors. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
6 ch input module
Reads out a 6 channel input module, output depends on how it is configured in the node. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
10 ch input module
Reads out a 10 channel input module, output depends on how it is configured in the node. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
6 ch output module
Controls a 6 or 10 channel output module, outputs some information about the module like temperature, ground shift, status code, individual channel current and for HW version 7+ the supply voltage. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
10 ch output module
Controls a 10 channel output module, outputs some information about the module like temperature, ground shift, status code, total current and supply voltage. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
bridge module
Controls a 2 channel output module also called the bridge module. It is nearly identical to the regular output module in interfacing. This one also provides a current per channel feedback. Note: if there is a different program (most often a compiled Simulink model) that will try to initialize the modules, it will cause strange behaviour. It is required that only one application claiming the modules is running.
can receive
Allows for reading out the CAN busses on the GOcontroll Moduline controllers.
can send
Allows for sending messages on the CAN busses available on the GOcontroll Moduline controllers.
read memory
Reads from a file with the name of the key in either /dev/shm or /usr/mem-sim, used for IPC between node-red flows and simulink models in general. Can also be used for configuration parameters of your flow.
write memory
The same as read memory except it writes to the file.
read simulink signal
Allows for directly reading asap2 signals or "measurements" from a running application that provides the necessary information. This information consists of a signals.json file located in /usr/node-red-static/. This file should contain signal names, memory addresses, datatypes and array sizes:
"Signal1Name": {
"address": 4373576,
"type": 0,
"size": 1
"Signal2Name": {
"address": 4374760,
"type": 0,
"size": 1
see uiojs for more info about the types for example.
write simulink parameter
Allows for writing to asap2 parameters or "characteristics" of a running application that provides the necessary information. This information consists of a parameters.json file located in /usr/node-red-static/. This file should contain parameter names, memory addresses, datatypes and array sizes:
"Param1Name": {
"address": 4363616,
"type": 2,
"size": 1
"Param2Name": {
"address": 4363618,
"type": 2,
"size": 1
see uiojs for more info about the types for example.
Switching to the npm package
Older controllers come preinstalled with node-red blocks that are not managed by npm, this is very difficult to keep up to date so it is recommended to update your node-red-gocontroll install. The controller needs to have an active internet connection to do this.
There are two ways:
NodeRED interface
For this method you must remove every GOcontroll node from your existing flows, I recommend downloading your flow, then clearing the current one, updating, then reuploading your flow.
Some modules have had major changes and can't be directly reused so they will have to be manually replaced.
Steps: open the menu in the top right -> Manage palette -> remove the existing node-red-gocontroll node -> install tab -> search for @gocontroll -> install @gocontroll-nl/node-red-gocontroll.SSH
SSH also allows you to remove the old, no longer required files, as this is not automatically done when uninstalling the package, you can also forcefully unistall/install without have to clear your flow
Steps: cd /root/.node-red/ -> npm uninstall node-red-gocontroll -> npm install @gocontroll-nl/node-red-gocontroll -> systemctl restart nodered -> (optional) rm -r /usr/node-red-gocontroll