A set of tools and wallet clients for interacting with Crossmint APIs.
Goat Crossmint 🐐 - TypeScript
A set of tools and wallet clients for interacting with Crossmint APIs.
Wallet Clients:
- Smart Wallet: Wallet client for interacting with Crossmint Smart Wallets
- Custodial Wallet: Wallet client for interacting with Crossmint Custodial Wallets
- USDC Faucet: Tools to top up your wallet with USDC on testnets
npm install @goat-sdk/wallet-crossmint
Smart Wallet
import { getOnChainTools } from "@goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai";
import { crossmint } from "@goat-sdk/crossmint";
const apiKey = process.env.CROSSMINT_STAGING_API_KEY;
const walletSignerSecretKey = process.env.SIGNER_WALLET_SECRET_KEY;
const alchemyApiKey = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY_BASE_SEPOLIA;
const smartWalletAddress = process.env.SMART_WALLET_ADDRESS;
const { smartwallet } = crossmint(apiKey);
const tools = await getOnChainTools({
wallet: await smartwallet({
address: smartWalletAddress,
signer: {
secretKey: walletSignerSecretKey as `0x${string}`,
chain: "base-sepolia",
provider: alchemyApiKey,
Custodial Wallet
import { getOnChainTools } from "@goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai";
import { crossmint } from "@goat-sdk/crossmint";
import { Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
const apiKey = process.env.CROSSMINT_STAGING_API_KEY;
const email = process.env.EMAIL;
if (!apiKey || !email) {
throw new Error("Missing environment variables");
const { custodial } = crossmint(apiKey);
const tools = await getOnChainTools({
wallet: await custodial({
chain: "solana",
email: email,
env: "staging",
connection: new Connection(
import { createWalletClient } from "viem";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { http } from "viem";
import { getOnChainTools } from "@goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai";
import { viem } from "@goat-sdk/wallet-viem";
import { crossmint } from "@goat-sdk/crossmint";
const account = privateKeyToAccount(
process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
account: account,
transport: http(process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY),
chain: sepolia,
const apiKey = process.env.CROSSMINT_STAGING_API_KEY;
const { faucet } = crossmint(apiKey);
const tools = await getOnChainTools({
wallet: viem(walletClient),
plugins: [faucet()],