Wdio Service to inject result of automatic test run in Azure DevOps TestPlan
WDIO Azure Devops Service
Publishes WebdriverIO results on Azure DevOps Test Plans.
Core features:
- Support for Jasmine/Jest/Mocha and Cucumber runtime frameworks
- Test results are aggregated under the same test run if you are executing more spec(test) files and they are belongs to the same suite
- Results are reported immediately after single test execution (real-time reporting)
- Test run is closed after last spec(test) file has been finished
- Multi suite support
Install this module locally with the following command to be used as a (dev-)dependency:
npm install --save @gmangiapelo/wdio-azure-devops-service
npm install --save-dev @gmangiapelo/wdio-azure-devops-service
Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO
can be found here.
wdio-azure-devops-service supports NodeJS 8 or higher
wdio-azure-devops-service supports commonjs and esm
Since @gmangiapelo/wdio-azure-devops-service
is a service, you can set it up in your wdio.conf.js
file as follows
import AzureDevopsService from "@gmangiapelo/wdio-azure-devops-service";
// wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
// ...
// =====
// Setup
// =====
services: [
pat: 'u46xjx2ol4px36zg3z565uz52dbvshctlulkhrsecxiamn6nhtwa',
organizationUrl: 'https://dev.azure.com/gianlucamangiapelo',
projectId: '8b3c68ac-f69d-41c6-bbad-921d8bae9819',
planId: 263072,
suiteId: 263073,
caseIdRegex: '@?[ref](\\d+)',
runName: 'FE regression tests for TestPlan',
// ...
Test case setup
Your WDIO tests should include the ID of your Azure test case. Make sure your test case IDs are distinct from your test titles:
Mocha style:
// Good:
it("C123 Can authenticate a valid user", ...
// Bad:
it("C123Can authenticate a valid user", ...
it("Can authenticate a valid user C123", ...
Cucumber style:
## Good:
Scenario Can authenticate a valid user
Scenario Can authenticate a valid user,
## Bad:
Scenario Can authenticate a valid user
Azure DevOps Report Example
This is an example of the results pushed on AZ Test Plans, during a test run
Service Options
The Personal Access token generated in Azure DevOps with API permission set.
Example: "u46xjx2ol4px36zg3z565uz52dbvshctlulkhrsecxiamn6nhtwa"
Type: string
Required: true
The base url of your Azure DevOps instance.
Example: "https://dev.azure.com/gianlucamangiapelo"
Type: string
Required: true
The id of the project in Azure DevOps.
To find the projectId use GET {organizationUrl}/_apis/projects?api-version=6.0
and copy the appropriate id
Example: "3cf7dbc9-cb1e-4240-93f2-9a5960ab3945"
Type: string
Required: true
The test plainId that you can retrieve in Azure DevOps Test Plan section.
Example: 124
Type: integer
Required: true
The suiteId that you can retrieve in Azure DevOps Test Plan section, in case of nested suites, get the root suiteId, the service iterates over all the child suites.
Example: 21
Type: integer
Required: true
A descriptive name for the test run.
Example: "FE regression tests run"
Type: string
Required: true
Custom regular expression to match the testCaseId from tag or title test case.
Type: string
Default: "@?[cC](\d+)"
Required: false
Gianluca Mangiapelo - github