Gluwa SDK for Javascript (Node.js)
If your service is developed in Node.js, the features we provide are available through the SDK. The Gluwa SDK for Node.js is a library with powerful features that enable Node.js developers to easily make requests to the Gluwa APIs.
Getting started
Install the npm package on your Node.js server.
$ npm install @gluwa/gluwa-js
Never use Gluwa SDK on the client side or make your private key public.
Create and initialize a Gluwa
object. Then, enter the APIKey
, APISecret
and WebookSecret
generated from the Gluwa Dashboard, and an Ethereum wallet to manage your funds. You can use credentials from sandbox dashboard and a Rinkeby wallet if you want to test in the sandbox environment.
const GluwaJS = require('@gluwa/gluwa-js');
const GluwaConfig = {
production: {
APIKey: '{Your production API Key}',
APISecret: '{Your production API Secret}',
WebhookSecret: '{Your production Webhhok Secret}',
MasterEthereumAddress: '{Your Ethereum Address for production}',
MasterEthereumPrivateKey: '{Your Ethereum Private Key for production}',
isDev: false,
sandbox: {
APIKey: '{Your sandbox API Key}',
APISecret: '{Your sandbox API Secret}',
WebhookSecret: '{Your sandbox Webhhok Secret}',
MasterEthereumAddress: '{Your Ethereum Address for sandbox}',
MasterEthereumPrivateKey: '{Your Ethereum Private Key for sandbox}',
isDev: true,
const Gluwa = new GluwaJS(GluwaConfig.production);
Now you are ready to use the Gluwa API.
Method Examples
Create a New Transaction
const Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG}'; // e.g USDG
const Amount = '{Send Amount}'; // e.g 1.581
const Target = '{Receiver`s Address}'; // e.g 0xf04349B4A760F5Aed02131e0dAA9bB99a1d1d1e5
const resultPromise = await Gluwa.postTransaction(Currency, Amount, Target);
Create a Payment QR Code
const Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG}'; // e.g USDG
const Amount = '{Send Amount}'; // e.g 1.581
const Optionals = {
Note: '', // optional
MerchantOrderID: '', // optional
Expirty: '1800', // optional, it must be a string
const resultPromise = await Gluwa.getPaymentQRCode(Currency, Amount, Optionals);
API returns a QR code png image as a Base64 string. You can display the image on your website as below:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{BASE64_STRING_YOU_RECEIVED}" alt="Gluwa Payment QR Code">
List Transaction History for an Address
const Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG}'; // e.g USDG
const Optionals = {
Limit: '100', // optional, it must be a string
Offset: '0', // optional, it must be a string
Status: 'Confirmed', // optional
const resultPromise = await Gluwa.getTransactionHistory(Currency, Optionals);
Retrieve Transaction Details by Hash
const Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG}'; // e.g USDG
const Hash = '{Transaction hash}';
const resultPromise = await Gluwa.getTransactionDetail(Currency, Hash);
Retrieve a Balance for an Address
const Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG}'; // e.g USDG
const resultPromise = await Gluwa.getAddresses(Currency);
Webhook Validation
When user completes transfer via the QR code, the Gluwa API sends a webhook to your webhook endpoint. Verify that the values actually sent by the Gluwa server are correct.
Verify the requested Signature and Payload as follows:
// Payload example
// {"ID":"9d238b83-e5c7-4a1e-a6b4-5bf7ec1d0218","CreatedDateTime":"2021-01-06T07:46:50.2779406Z","ResourceType":"Transaction","EventName":"TRANSACTION.CREATED","Summary":"A transaction was created.","Resource":{"ID":"62e667cf-1a80-41bf-b064-925999ed5b76","TxHash":"0x89a5d4cb0f1d6b919a4ada42b661ed7b2574ec4dd2d640f5c92642bad532dbe0","Source":"0xf04349B4A760F5Aed02131e0dAA9bB99a1d1d1e5","Target":"0x084Af3876A220F4732e21F7617dc212BB2A1f32E","Amount":"10","Fee":"0.5","Currency":"sUSDCG","Status":"Confirmed"}}
// Signature example
// 7iPzvTRVR81cuZQetKbF1GaGPIk1UkzyvFc6hhgA+VI=
const resultBoolean = Gluwa.validateWebhook(Payload, Signature);
How to resolve promise
All functions except Webhook Validation return promise
. This can be used by resolving it like this:
resultPromise.then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {