## Getting started
Getting started
Creditcoin-js requires the following to be installed:
Adding Creditcoin-JS to your project is easy. Install it by using a JavaScript package manager like npm
or yarn
yarn add @gluwa/creditcoin-js
This will install the latest release version, which should allow you to interact with Creditcoin's main network and your own local chains that use the latest Creditcoin binaries.
Importing the library into your project:
import { creditcoinApi } from '@gluwa/creditcoin-js';
const { api } = await CreditcoinApi('ws://localhost:9944');
Using the API
The API is a collection of modules that provide access to the various functions of the Creditcoin blockchain.
const { api, extrinsics, utils } = await CreditcoinApi('ws://localhost:9944');
Creating transactions
const { api } = await CreditcoinApi('ws://localhost:9944');
const tx = api.
"1000000000000000" // CTC amount in microunits
// (1 CTC = 1e18 microunits)
Signing & sending
import { Keyring } from '@gluwa/creditcoin-js';
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
// const fromSeed = keyring.addFromUri("bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk");
const alice = keyring.addFromUri('//Alice');
await tx.signAndSend(alice);
Batching transactions
const tx1 = api.tx.balances.transfer(addrBob, 10);
const tx2 = api.tx.balances.transfer(addrCharlie, 10);
const txs = [tx1, tx2];
const batch_tx = api.tx.utility.batch(txs);
await batch_tx.signAndSend(alice);
To build the project, run the following command from the root directory:
yarn build
Updating Type definitions
Creditcoin-JS uses actual chain metadata to generate the API types and augmented endpoints. When the Creditcoin blockchain gets updated and includes new extrinsics or storage fields in it’s pallets, Creditcoin-JS must regenerate its types to include the newly available methods.
- Fetch Chain Metadata
This process begins with pulling the current metadata from a running creditcoin-node
by making an RPC call. You can use the get-metadata.sh
script to do this. It will save the metadata to a file called creditcoin.json
- Generate Types
The types can be generated by running the following command:
yarn build:types
Errors & Troubleshooting
If after following the build process you run into errors where credicoin-js isn't reflecting the changes in the rust code you may need to clear your cache. The following command (run from root directory) can help:
cd creditcoin-js && rm -rf lib && yarn install && yarn build && yarn pack && cd ../integration-tests/ && yarn cache clean && rm -rf node_modules && yarn upgrade creditcoin-js && yarn install