Build a proxy-state from plain objects
Build a proxy-state from plain objects. With automatic rollback to previous state in case of errors.
$ npm install @geut/staty
import { staty, subscribe, snapshot, action } from '@geut/staty'
const state = staty({
count: 0
console.log(snapshot(state)) // => { count: 0 }
subscribe(state, () => {
console.log(state) // => { count: 1 }
subscribe(state, () => {
console.log(state.count) // => 1
}, { props: 'count' })
// filter multiple values
subscribe(state, () => {
console.log(state.count) // => 1
}, { props: ['count'] })
try {
action(() => {
state.count = 100
throw new Error('ups')
} catch (err) {
console.log(err) // => ups
// rollback to the last good state and subscriptions won't be trigger it
state.count // => 1
staty(target, opts?) => any
Creates a new proxy-state
target: any
opts?: Object = {}
onReadOnly?: (target: any, prop: any, value: any) => {}
global handle for readonly snapshot errorsonAction?: (state: Proxy, actionName: any) => {}
global subscription to run before every action. Create a state is also an action so it will run on every staty({}) call.
listeners(state) => ListenersReport
Get subscription listeners count
state: any
subscribe(state, handler, opts?) => UnsubscribeFunction
Subscribe for changes in the state
state: any
handler: () => void
opts?: Object = {}
props?: string | string[]
props to subscribefilter?: (actionName: string) => boolean
subscribe only for specific action namesbatch?: boolean = false
execute in batch turning the subscription into async. Required before=falseautorun?: boolean
run immediately. Required before=falsebefore?: boolean
run before the other subscriptions and after the action finish. Good place to validate your state. Required batch=false && autorun=false
ref(value, mapSnapshot?, cache?) => any
Add a ref to another object
value: any
mapSnapshot?: (ref: any) => any
cache?: boolean = false
enable cache for snapshots
action(handler, actionName) => void
Create a action
handler: Function
actionName: string
snapshot(state, prop?) => any
Creates a snapshot of the state
state: any
prop?: (string | Array<string>)
:bug: If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.
:busts_in_silhouette: Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.
MIT © A GEUT project