A react native SDK for Yoti's identity verification services
Yoti IDV, React Native
A react native wrapper of Yoti IDV for Android and iOS. Yoti IDV allows a user of your app to take a photo of their document, as well as to scan or capture their face, we then verify this instantly and prepare a response, which your system can then retrieve on your hosted site.
To integrate with Yoti IDV, a working infrastructure is needed (see developers.yoti.com for more details or get in touch with us here).
Start your integration by adding the following dependency to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@getyoti/yoti-doc-scan-react-native": "^4.0.0"
Continuing with your integration for Android, add the following property and repository to your project's build.gradle
buildscript {
ext {
yotiSdkVersion = "3.5.0"
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://maven.microblink.com'
Now add any of these optional dependencies to your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
// With automatic capture via OCR and NFC capture
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-doc-scan:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
// With manual capture only, no OCR, no NFC - around 14Mb smaller in size
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-doc-scan-slim:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-doc-scan-sup:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-liveness-zoom:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
// With embedded AI model
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-facecapture:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
// Without embedded AI model - around 20 MB smaller in size
implementation "com.yoti.mobile.android.sdk:yoti-sdk-facecapture-unbundled:${rootProject.ext.yotiSdkVersion}"
If you're using Proguard or another obfuscation tool, you should also add the following configuration rules to your proguard-rules.pro
-keep class com.yoti.** { *; }
-keep class com.microblink.** { *; }
-keep class com.microblink.**$* { *; }
-dontwarn com.microblink.**
-keep class com.facetec.zoom.** { *; }
-dontwarn javax.annotation.Nullable
To continue your integration with iOS, you should add the following to your Podfile
and run pod install
from its directory:
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'
require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'TargetName' do
config = use_native_modules!
use_react_native!(:path => config[:reactNativePath])
pod 'YotiDocumentScan' // Include if `YotiSDKIdentityDocument` is included and to support identity document OCR
pod 'YotiNFC' // Include if `YotiSDKIdentityDocument` is included and to support identity document NFC
pod 'YotiSDKIdentityDocument' // Optional
pod 'YotiSDKSupplementaryDocument' // Optional
pod 'YotiSDKFaceTec' // Optional
pod 'YotiSDKFaceCapture' // Optional
In addition, you should add NSCameraUsageDescription
to your Info.plist
And if you have included YotiNFC
in your target, make sure to also:
- Add
to yourInfo.plist
- Add
to yourInfo.plist
and includeA0000002471001
as an application identifier for your app to support - Turn on
Near Field Communication Tag Reading
under the Signing & Capabilities tab for your project’s target
1. Import module
import RNYotiDocScan from '@getyoti/yoti-doc-scan-react-native';
2. Launch a session
Launch a session with its required parameters using the startSession
const successCallback = (code, description) => {
const errorCallback = (code, description) => {
RNYotiDocScan.startSession(id, token, successCallback, errorCallback);
3. Customizations
On iOS, you can set the primary colors using the following API:
RNYotiDocScan.setLightPrimaryColorRGB(0, 0, 0); // default: (40, 117, 188)
RNYotiDocScan.setDarkPrimaryColorRGB(0, 0, 0); // default: (145, 190, 255)
To customize the colors on Android, please refer to its separate documentation.
In addition, you can choose to also specify a request code on Android:
RNYotiDocScan.setRequestCode(0); // default: 9001
Supported languages
Yoti IDV supports the 9 languages listed in the table below, but their use is driven by the localization configuration of your target. If your target only supports a subset of our SDK's supported languages, our SDK will fall back to English on the ones your target doesn't support.
Language | Code :-- | :-- Arabic | ar Dutch | nl English (default) | en French | fr German | de Italian | it Russian | ru Spanish | es Turkish | tr
Error codes
Code | Description :-- | :-- 1000 | No error occurred. The user cancelled the session 2000 | Unauthorised request (wrong or expired session token) 2001 | Session not found 2002 | Session expired 2003 | SDK launched without a session token 2004 | SDK launched without a session id 3000 | Yoti's services are down or unable to process the request 3001 | An error occurred during a network request 3002 | The user did not have a network connection 3003 | A network request timed out 4000 | The user did not grant permission to the camera 4001 | The user submitted a wrong document 5000 | The user's camera was not found and file upload is not allowed 5002 | No more local tries for the liveness flow 5003 | SDK is out-of-date, please update the SDK to the latest version 5004 | An unexpected internal error occurred 5005 | An unexpected document capture error occurred 5006 | An unexpected liveness capture error occurred 5008 | An unsupported configuration was used 6000 | The identity document dependency could not be found 6001 | The face scan dependency could not be found 6002 | The supplementary document dependency could not be found 6003 | The face capture dependency could not be found 7000 | The user did not have the required documents
For any questions or support please contact us here. Once we have answered your question, we may contact you again to discuss Yoti products and services. If you'd prefer us not to do this, please let us know when you e-mail.
See the licence here.