mantle controller for safle vault
A Module is written in javascript for managing various keyrings of Mantle accounts, encrypting them, and using them. This repository contains MANTLEHdKeyring
class to create Mantle wallet from Safle Vault.
npm install --save @getsafle/vault-mantle-controller
Initialize the Mantle Controller class
const { KeyringController, getBalance } = require('@getsafle/vault-mantle-controller');
const mantleController = new KeyringController({
encryptor: {
// An optional object for defining encryption schemes:
// Defaults to Browser-native SubtleCrypto.
encrypt(password, object) {
return new Promise('encrypted!');
decrypt(password, encryptedString) {
return new Promise({ foo: 'bar' });
Generate Keyring with 1 account and encrypt
const keyringState = await mantleController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password);
Restore a keyring with the first account using a mnemonic
const keyringState = await mantleController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, mnemonic);
Add a new account to the keyring object
const keyringState = await mantleController.addNewAccount(keyringObject);
Export the private key of an address present in the keyring
const privateKey = await mantleController.exportAccount(address);
Sign a transaction
const signedTx = await mantleController.signTransaction(mantleTx, _fromAddress);
Sign a message
const signedMsg = await mantleController.signMessage(msgParams);
Sign a message
const signedObj = await mantleController.sign(msgParams, pvtKey, web3Obj);
Get balance
const balance = await getBalance(address, web3);