Ethereum controller for safle vault.
A Module written in javascript for managing various keyrings of Ethereum accounts, encrypting them, and using them.
npm install --save @getsafle/vault-eth-controller
Initialize the Eth Controller class
const { KeyringController, getBalance } = require('@getsafle/vault-eth-controller');
const ethController = new KeyringController({
encryptor: {
// An optional object for defining encryption schemes:
// Defaults to Browser-native SubtleCrypto.
encrypt(password, object) {
return new Promise('encrypted!');
decrypt(password, encryptedString) {
return new Promise({ foo: 'bar' });
Generate Keyring with 1 account and encrypt
const keyringState = await ethController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password);
Restore a keyring with the first account using a mnemonic
const keyringState = await ethController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, mnemonic);
Add a new account to the keyring object
const keyringState = await ethController.addNewAccount(keyringObject);
Export the private key of an address present in the keyring
const privateKey = await ethController.exportAccount(address);
Sign a transaction
const signedTx = await ethController.signTransaction(ethTx, _fromAddress);
Sign a message
const signedMsg = await ethController.signMessage(msgParams);
Sign a message
const signedObj = await ethController.sign(msgParams, pvtKey, web3Obj);
Sign Typed Data (EIP-712)
const signedData = await ethController.signTypedMessage(msgParams);
Get balance
const balance = await getBalance(address, web3);
Send Transaction
const receipt = await ethController.sendTransaction(signedTx, web3);
Calculate Tx Fees
const fees = await ethController.getFees(rawTx, web3);