Passkey implementation for React Native
Native Passkeys on iOS 15.0+ and Android API 28+ using React Native.
Please note that Android support is still in alpha. (More info)
Progress is being tracked here.
For the javascript part of the installation you need to run
npm install react-native-passkey
yarn add react-native-passkey
For the native part of the installation you need to run
cd ios && pod install
in the root of your React Native project.
There are iOS specific steps you need to go through in order to configure Passkey support. If you have already set up an associated domain for your application you can skip this step.
Set up an associated domain for your application (More info)
You need to associate a domain with your application. On your webserver set up this route:
GET https://<yourdomain>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
This route should serve a static JSON object containing your team id and bundle identifier. Example (replace XXXXXXXXXX with your team identifier and the rest with your bundle id, e.g. "H123456789.com.mtrx0.passkeyExample"):
{ "applinks": {}, "webcredentials": { "apps": ["XXXXXXXXXX.YYY.YYYYY.YYYYYYYYYYYYYY"] }, "appclips": {} }
In XCode under
Signing & Capabilities
add a new Capability of typeAssociated Domains
. Now add this and replace XXXXXX with your domain (e.g.apple.com
The Android specific configuration is similar to iOS. If you have already set up Digital Asset Links for your application you can skip this step.
Associate your app with a domain (More info)
You need to associate a domain with your application. On your webserver set up this route:
GET https://<yourdomain>/.well-known/assetlinks.json
This route should serve a static JSON object containing the following information. Example (replace with your data, replace SHA_HEX_VALUE with the SHA256 fingerprints of your Android signing certificate)
[{ "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds"], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "com.example", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ SHA_HEX_VALUE ] } }]
Check if Passkeys are supported
import { Passkey } from 'react-native-passkey';
// Use this method to check if passkeys are supported on the device
const isSupported: boolean = Passkey.isSupported();
Creating a new Passkey
import { Passkey, PasskeyRegistrationResult } from 'react-native-passkey';
// Retrieve a valid FIDO2 attestation request from your server
// The challenge inside the request needs to be a base64 encoded string
// There are plenty of libraries which can be used for this (e.g. fido2-lib)
try {
// Call the `register` method with the retrieved request in JSON format
// A native overlay will be displayed
const result: PasskeyRegistrationResult = await Passkey.register(requestJson);
// The `register` method returns a FIDO2 attestation result
// Pass it to your server for verification
} catch (error) {
// Handle Error...
Authenticating with existing Passkey
import { Passkey, PasskeyAuthenticationResult } from 'react-native-passkey';
// Retrieve a valid FIDO2 assertion request from your server
// The challenge inside the request needs to be a base64 encoded string
// There are plenty of libraries which can be used for this (e.g. fido2-lib)
try {
// Call the `authenticate` method with the retrieved request in JSON format
// A native overlay will be displayed
const result: PasskeyAuthResult = await Passkey.authenticate(requestJson);
// The `authenticate` method returns a FIDO2 assertion result
// Pass it to your server for verification
} catch (error) {
// Handle Error...
Security Keys (iOS-only)
You can allow users to register and authenticate using a Security Key (like Yubikey).
For this just pass an options object containing { withSecurityKey: true }
to the Passkey.authenticate()
or Passkey.register()
const result: PasskeyAuthResult = await Passkey.authenticate(
{ withSecurityKey: true }
const result: PasskeyRegistrationResult = await Passkey.register(
{ withSecurityKey: true }
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