A TypeScript client for the Geppetto API
This library is a simple wrapper of the geppetto.app API.
Currently it only supports speaking (text to speech) but more modalities will be added in the future.
npm install @geppetto-app/geppetto
There are two primary ways to use the library for speech. Sync and Streaming. Sync will return the entire audio file as a buffer, while streaming will return a readable stream of the audio file. Streaming is useful in applications where you want the lowest possible latency from generation to speaking time.
Speech Examples
Writing to a file
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
async function main() {
const response = await geppetto.speak({
text: "I'm a real boy!"
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
fs.writeFileSync('output.mp3', response);
Streaming Speech
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
async function main() {
const response = await geppetto.speak({
text: "I'm a real boy!",
stream: true
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
const chunks = []
for await (const chunk of response) {
// do something with the chunks, this example is just adding them to a file
fs.writeFileSync('output.mp3', Buffer.concat(chunks));
Speech Params
export interface SpeakOptions {
// the text to speak
text: string;
// the voice to speak in (default is semaine)
voice?: GeppettoSpeakers; // "semaine" | "ryan"
// the rate of speech (default is 1)
speed?: number;
// the pitch of speech (default is 1)
pitch?: number;
// the audio format to output in (default is mp3)
// pcm is output in 16000hz 16bit signed little endian (s16le)
format?: GeppettoSpeakFormats; // "mp3" | "wav" | "ogg" | "pcm"
// how much to delay speech between punctuation (default is 150)
sentenceSilence?: number;
// if the response should be streamed or sync
stream?: boolean;
See let's you send an image to the geppetto API and get back a description of the image. It can also answer questions about images.
The responses can be streamed.
See Examples
Getting a description of an image
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
const response = await geppetto.see({
image: "<base64 encoded image>",
Getting a description with details about generation
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
const response = await geppetto.see({
image: "<base64 encoded image>",
verbose: true
Streaming response
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
const stream = await geppetto.see({
image: IMAGE,
stream: true,
let message = "";
for await (const chunk of stream) {
message += chunk.content;
See Params
type SeeOptions = {
// REQUIRED: the base64 encoded image.
image: string;
// the question to ask about the image (default is 'describe this image')
prompt?: string | undefined;
// the system prompt to use (default is "")
system_prompt?: string | undefined;
// if the response should be streamed or sync
stream?: boolean | undefined;
// the temperature of the models generation
temperature?: number | undefined;
// the maximum number of tokens to generate
max_tokens?: number | undefined;
presence_penalty?: number | undefined;
frequency_penalty?: number | undefined;
// the cumulative probability of tokens to generate
top_p?: number | undefined;
// if the response should give more verbose information
verbose?: boolean | undefined;
See Return Types
type SeeResponse = {
// the generated content
content: string;
type SeeResponseVerbose = {
// the generated content
content: string;
// the model used to generate the content
model: string;
// timings about the generation
timings: {
// how long it took to generate the content
predicted_ms: number;
// how many tokens were predicted
predicted_n: number;
// how many tokens were predicted per second
predicted_per_second: number;
// how long it took to process the prompt
prompt_ms: number;
// how many tokens were cached
tokens_cached: number;
// how many tokens were evaluated
tokens_evaluated: number;
// how many tokens were predicted
tokens_predicted: number;
type SeeStreamingResponse = {
// the generated content
content: string;
// if the generation is complete
stop: boolean;
Hear lets you send audio to the geppetto API and get back a transcription of the audio.
Hear Examples
Transcribing audio from a file
import fs from 'fs';
import { Geppetto } from '@geppetto-app/geppetto';
const geppetto = new Geppetto();
const file = fs.readFileSync("<path to audio file>");
const response = await geppetto.hear({
file: file,
Hear Params
type HearOptions = {
// REQUIRED the audio file to transcribe. Max size: 25MB
file: Buffer | File;
// model to use for transcription
model?: "whisper-tiny"
// language to transcribe in (ISO-639-1 format)
language?: string;
// what prompt to use for the transcription
prompt?: string;
// what format to respond in
response_format?: "json" | "text" | "srt" | "vtt" | "verbose_json";
// what temperature to use for the model
temperature?: number;
// The increment of temperature, between 0 and 1
temperature_inc?: number;
Hear Return Types
type HearResponse = {
text: string;
Verbose JSON
type HearResponseVerbose = {
text: string;
language: string;
task: "transcribe" | "translate";
duration: number;
segments: {
text: string;
temperature: number;
id: number;
start: number;
end: number;
tokens: number[];
words: HearResponseWord[];
avg_logprob: number;
type HearResponseWord = {
word: string;
start: number;
end: number;
t_dtw: number;
probability: number;