ICGC JS common
A Javascript lib with common functionalities to use across different projects.
npm i --save @geostarters/common
Usage example with Svelte
import {GeoCommons} from "@geostarters/common/dist/commonjs";
const geoCommons = new GeoCommons();
Usage with ES6 modules:
import * as ICGCCommon from " @geostarters/common";
Usage with Commonjs:
const Utils = require("@geostarters/common");
Besides it, it is generated a single file package and its .map, using browserify:
- Uses documentation.js to generate a JSON file to be consumed by another package (see the documenting the code section) (TODO: Ingest it with @mapbox/batfish?)
- Uses eslint to perform static analysis in code
- Uses flow to check types (see the using types section)
- Uses jest for testing (see the writting tests section)
Documenting the code
The documentation follows the JSDoc syntax.
To get started you can read the documentation.js start guide here or take a look at the provided example file here
Using types
Using flow provides a way to check for common syntax errors while calling functions. Flow provides a simple example of which kind of problems it can solve in their Type Annotations guide. There's also a list of annotations it supports there.
Writting tests
- The project uses JEST.
- test folder included
Provided scripts
- build-dev: Creates a single file package with all the assertions intact to be ussed in browsers.
- watch-dev: Watches the source
- build-min: Creates a minified package with its map file and without assertions to be ussed in browsers
- build-unflow: Builds ready-to-use modules in dist by removing flow types
- build-react: Builds ready-to-use es modules in dist/es by removing flow types
- build-modules: Builds ready-to-use commonjs modules in dist/commonjs
- build-docs: Generates the documentation file
- lint: Checks the code linting
- lint-docs: Lints the documentation files
- test: Runs the static type checker and runs the tests
- test:unit: Runs the unit tests
- test-flow: Runs the static type checks
- test-cov: Runs the testing coverage
Folder structure
dist: Contains the built files generated by the scripts (dev package, minified package and map, commonjs folder and es folder)
src: Contains an index file that requires all the modules that should be exported and all the source files that compound the package.
test: Contains the unit and integration tests
Copyright (c) 2019 - Geostarters (MIT License) See LICENSE file for more info.