Leaflet.WMGS plugin (Web Map GeoJSON Service)
Leaflet.WMGS plugin (Web Map GeoJSON Service)
npm i -S @geonet/leaflet-wmgs
const wmgs = new L.WMGS( {
crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326,
url: 'http://localhost:3000/wmgs',
// requestPerCell: false,
// filterTimeRange: {},
defaultStyle: {
color: 'red'
query: {},
// onCreateCell: ( bounds, coords ) => {},
// onCellEnter: ( bounds, coords ) => {},
// onCellLeave: ( bounds, coords ) => {},
pointToLayer: ( feature, latlng ) => {
return L.circleMarker( latlng, {
radius: 8,
fillColor: '#ff7800',
color: '#000',
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.4
} );
onEachFeature: ( geojson, layer ) => {
// Render the feature
layer.feature.properties.type = 'AOI';
this.drawLayer.addLayer( layer );
} );
wmgs.addTo( map );
map.on( L.Draw.Event.CREATED, e => wmgs.createFeature( e ) );
map.on( L.Draw.Event.EDITED, e => wmgs.updateFeatures( e ) );
map.on( L.Draw.Event.DELETED, e => wmgs.deleteFeatures( e ) );
| option | default | required | type | description |
| url
| | true | String | URL for WMGS API |
| L.CRS.EPSG4326
| false | String | Coordinate Reference Systems (default: equirectangular projection) |
| requestPerCell
| false
| false | Boolean | Request GeoJSON one cell at a time, or group all cells together |
| filterTimeRange
| { from: 0, to: 0 }
| false | Object | Filter objects based on time range |
| defaultStyle
| { color: 'blue', opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.4 }
| false | Object | Default polygon styling |
| query
| {}
| false | Object | Define query parameters to filter all responses by |
| select
| { type: true, properties: true, geometry: true }
| false | Object | Define parameters to select from DB (type
, properties
, and geometry
must be defined to properly render GeoJSON) |
| onCreateCell
| | false | Function | Called when a new cell is created |
| onCellEnter
| | false | Function | Called when an existing cell is entered |
| onCellLeave
| | false | Function | Called when an existing cell is exited |
| pointToLayer
| | false | Function | Function that will be used for creating layers for GeoJSON Points. |
| onEachFeature
| | false | Function | Function used to add GeoJSON to the map or allows for inspection of GeoJSON Features. |
| method | params | returns | description |
| fetch
| Object (request options) | {Promise<*>}
| Used to request the WMGS server |
| customRequest
| Object (request options) | {Promise<*>}
| Allows user to make custom defined request to the WMGS server |
| getTypes
| | Array | Get the types of Features defined in the WMGS server |
| getFeatures
| bounds
object) | Object (FeatureCollection) | Method used by module to request GeoJSON from WMGS. Method will pass all retrieved layers into onEachFeature
| createFeature
| Layer
| Fetch response | Add a WMGS Feature |
| updateFeatures
| Layer[]
| Fetch response | Update WMGS Features |
| deleteFeatures
| Layer[]
| Fetch response | Delete WMGS Features |
| timeFromObjectId
| ObjectID
| Date
| Converts an ObjectID
into a Date
| objectIdToTime
| Date
| ObjectID
| Converts a Date
into an ObjectID