Gen-X Suite data abstract layer.
Entity Model
Updated on 16/02/2022
Static members
- db - instance of the @genx/data/DbModel class
- app - The owner app (instance of @genx/app/ServiceContainer)
- connector - The driver-specific db connector
- driver - Getter for the dbms name, e.g. mysql or mongodb
- i18n - Internationalization
- model(name) - Getter for entity model
- entitiesOfType(subClass) - Get an array of entities with one of the subClasses as specified
- async retry_(closure(ok, failed), [times], [interval]) - Try several times (default: 3) to do a transaction in case rollbacked due to competition
- async doTransaction_(closure({connection}), errorHandler(error)) - Wrap a transaction block
// Model usage
// inside a entity model
let User = this.db.model('User');
// inside a controll or anywhere the app instance is applicable
let User = app.db('dbName').model('User');
// call CRUD
await User.create_(...);
// Transaction
return this.db.doTransaction_(async (connOpts) => {
let ret = await this.sendToGroup_(senderId, group.id, msg, connOpts);
await this.sendToGroup_(senderId, group.peer, msg, connOpts);
return ret;
// Retry and transaction combination usage
return this.db.retry_('transaction name for logging', async (ok, failed) => {
return this.db.doTransaction_(async (connOpts) => {
//...operations need to compute
// result set
return ok(result);
}, failed);
// Use SQL expression
meta - Metadata about the enttiy
- name
- keyField
- schemaName
- fields
- features
- uniqueKeys
- indexes
- associations
- fieldDependencies
i18n - I18n object
Customize entity model
Write a mixer for customizing a entity model
module.exports = Base => class extends Base {
static async getStreetTypes_() {
const streetTypes = require('../../data/streetTypes.json');
return streetTypes;
CRUD operations (static method members)
async findOne_(findOptions, connOptions)
async findAll_(findOptions, connOptions)
async create_(data, createOptions, connOptions)
async updateOne_(data, updateOptions, connOptions)
async updateMany_(data, updateOptions, connOptions)
async replaceOne_(data, updateOptions, connOptions)
async deleteOne_(deleteOptions, connOptions)
async deleteMany_(deleteOptions, connOptions)
async cached_(key, associations, connOptions)
async retryCreateOnDuplicate_(dataGenerator_, maxRery, createOptions, connOptions)
- Regenerate creation data and try again if duplicate record exists
async ensureFields_(entityObject, fields)
- Ensure the entity object containing required fields, if not, it will automatically fetched from db and return.
Helper methods
- fieldSchema(fieldName, options), returns the field schema for input validation, options can be used to override the default auto generated schema
- $addEnumValues, for enum values to add some fake value which not accepted by db but can be consumed by business logic, e.g. all, none
- $orAsArray, accept an array of the specified type
// returns a schema object which can be used by @genx/data Types sanitizer
Message.fieldSchema('type', { optional: true, default: 'info' });
inputSchema(inputSetName, options), returns an input schema object
assocFrom(extraArray, fields), returns a unique array combine the extraArray and the associations inferred from fields
Operation options
- $projection
$projection: [ { type: 'function', name: 'MAX', alias: 'max', args: ['order'] } ],
$projection: [ this.db.connector.queryCount() ],
$projection: [
alias: 'bookableResources.count',
type: 'function',
name: 'COUNT',
prefix: 'DISTINCT',
args: [ 'bookableResources.id' ]
- $association - No trailing (s).
// use an associated name inferred by foreign key
const association = [ 'person' ];
// use an explicit joining between two entities without connection by foreign key
"$query": {
"ownerUser.mobile": "+61412345673"
"$bypassEnsureUnique": true,
"$association": [
"entity": "user",
"alias": "ownerUser",
"output": true,
"on": {
"id": {
"oorType": "ColumnReference",
"name": "ownerUser.person"
// complex usage with dynamic result selected
const association = [
"entity": "resource",
"alias": "resource",
"output": true,
"on": {
"listing.resourceGroup": {
"oorType": "ColumnReference",
"name": "resource.group"
"dataset": {
$query: {
"mediaTag": "LOGO"
$relationships - Transformed from raw $association, used by the EntityModel internally
$query - Query condition
- Non-KV-Pair query
// See Lang helper for more details
$query = Lang.$func('FIND_IN_SET', category, Lang.$col('categories'));
// Complex usage 1
$query = { // `status` = 'published' AND FIND_IN_SET(category, `categories`)
$and: [
status: 'published'
Lang.$func('FIND_IN_SET', category, Lang.$col('categories'));
// Complex usage 2
$query = { // `status` = 'published' OR FIND_IN_SET(category, `categories`)
$or: [
status: 'published'
Lang.$func('FIND_IN_SET', category, Lang.$col('categories'));
- $variables - Variables to interpolate into query condition, will be passed on to associated operation
- $features - Custom feature options override
- $orderBy - Order by condition, map of column to ascend?
- $groupBy - Group by condition
const numDeals = await this.findAll_({
$projection: ["status", this.db.connector.queryCount(null, "status")],
$query: {
agent: agentId,
$or_0: this.db.connector.nullOrIs("fellOver", false),
$groupBy: "status",
$totalCount - Returns total record count when used with $limit, should provide the distinct field name
- Used without association or with reference association which only joins record, just use $totalCount: true
const { totalItems /* integer */, items /* array */ } = await findAll_({ '$query': { template: 1 }, '$association': [ 'template' ], '$orderBy': { createdAt: false }, '$totalCount': true, '$limit': 5, '$offset': 0 });
- Used without association which may joins multiple records, should specify a unqiue field for preventing from counting duplicate records brought by joining, otherwise the returned totalItems may include duplicate records
const { totalItems /* integer */, items /* array */ } = await findAll_({ '$query': { template: 1 }, '$association': [ 'tags.tag', 'template' ], '$orderBy': { createdAt: false }, '$totalCount': 'id', '$limit': 5, '$offset': 0 });
$includeDeleted - {boolean}, for find only, include logical deleted records
$skipOrm - {boolean}
$objectMapper - {string} Object mapper , flat or hiarachy (not used yet)
$custom - User defined operation control data, used by user program only and will be passed on to associated operation
$retrieveCreated - {findOptions|boolean}
$retrieveUpdated - {findOptions|boolean}
$retrieveActualUpdated - {findOptions|boolean}, for updateOne_ only, retrieve only when the row is actually updated
$retrieveNotUpdate - {findOptions|boolean}, for updateOne_ only, retrieve only when the row is not actually updated
$retrieveDeleted - {findOptions|boolean}
$retrieveDbResult - return the original db result through options.$result
$bypassReadOnly - Internal option, cannot be set by user
$physicalDeletion - {boolean}
$requireSplitColumns - {boolean}, for udpate only, will be auto set while input has function or expression
$migration - {boolean}, set by migration program, will be passed on to associated operation
$upsert - {boolean|object}, for create_ only, insert or update on duplicate, pass object if insert extra data
$nestedKeyGetter - a getter function to transform the key of nested object, default as ':'+anchor for mysql
$skipFeatures - an array of features to skip
$skipModifiers - Skip field modifiers, usually set upon importing backup data which are exported from db and already been processed by modifiers before
$transformer - Transform results before returning
$transformer: {
user: [ '$$CURRENT.:user', { $pick: [ 'email' ] } ],
agency: [ '$$CURRENT.:agency', { $pick: [ 'name' ] } ]
- $dryRun - for create only, just do the preparation check and skip the actual db creation call
- $key - specify the primary key field of and main query table for complex SQL situation, e.g. pagination
Complex usage
Using functions in projection
$projection: [
type: 'function',
name: 'ROW_NUMBER',
alias: 'row_num',
args: [], // ROW_NUMBER()
over: {
$partitionBy: 'reference',
$orderBy: News.meta.keyField,
Using function as the value of a field to update
const updated = await this.updateOne_({ // data to update
score: Lang.$expr(Lang.$col('score'), '+', scoreDelta) // `score` = `score` + scoreDelta
}, {
$query: { // where
id: opportunity.id
$retrieveUpdated: true // select the updated record after update finished
}, connOpts);
Using expressions in query
const queryObj = {
$query: {
status: 'published',
$and: [ // `reference` IS NOT NULL AND (TRIM(`reference`) != '')
reference: { $exist: true }
Lang.$expr(Lang.$func('TRIM', Lang.$col('reference')), '!=', '')
$orderBy: {
createdAt: false
Connector options
- insertIgnore - {boolean}, for create only
- connection - for transactions, reused the transactional session
- returnUpdated - return the exact updated rows id [supplement for retrieveUpdated]
- aggregate_ - [new feature] aggregation by pipeline of stages
const result = await connector.aggregate_('t3' /* table name of starting query */, [
{ // stage 0, select from t3
$projection: [
type: 'function',
name: 'COUNT',
alias: 'count',
args: ['c'],
$groupBy: 'c',
{ // stage 1, select from stage 0
$projection: [
type: 'function',
name: 'SUM',
alias: 'cumulative',
args: ['count'],
over: {
$orderBy: 'c',
operation context [for @genx/data dev only]
There are predefined context properties which can be accessed in an entity operation as listed below.
- operation - 'create/retrieve/update/delete'
- raw - Raw input data.
- latest - Validated and sanitized data.
- existing - Existing data from database.
- i18n - I18n object.
- connector - Existing connector for chained operation.
- result - Operation result.
- return - Data to return, if retrieveCreated or retrieveUpdated or retrieveDeleted is true, return will be the just create/updated/deleted data.
- entities - Access other entity models in the same schema
- schemas - Access other schema models in the same application
- state - Current request state
cascade creation / update
await EntityA.create_({
key: 'value',
":children": [
{ childKey: 'keyValue1', ... },
{ childKey: 'keyValue2', ... }
":entityB": {
key1: 'value1',
key2: 'value2'
"@entityC:" {
unikey: "a entity C id"
//1. the above call will create a record of entity B
//2. then get the the id of entity C with a group of unique keys (1 or more field pairs) of entity C
//3. then create a record of entity A with a reference to the id of newly created entity B and the id of entity C fetched at step 2
//4. then create a list of children of entity A with a reference to entity A stored in each child records
operation helper [for @genx/data dev only]
- queryFunction
- queryBinExpr
- queryColumn
operation execution sequence [for @genx/data dev only]
- prepare query & context
- sub-class before hooks
- wrap in transaction-safe closure
- pre-process data
- features before hooks
- driver-specific pre-process
- execute the operation
- driver-specific post-process
- store query key
- features after hooks
- end transaction-safe closure
- sub-class after hooks
Sanitize Object
const schema = {
a: { type: 'text' },
b: {
type: 'array', elementSchema: {
type: 'object',
schema: {
c: { type: 'text', optional: true },
d: { type: 'text', optional: true },
e: { validator:()=>{},convertor:()=>{}}
known issues
- hierachy projection - The key field of each layer of the hierachy structure is required for deep populating the target object
- retrieveCreated - The query for newly created maybe affected by parrallel updating
- retrieveUpdated - The previous query maybe affected by parrallel updating
- retrieveDeleted - The deleted returned may differ from actual deletion (when data changes between find and delete)
change logs since Apr 2020
- Add -1 for descent sorting for mysql connector, and now both false and -1 for ORDER BY DESC.
- Support custom validator and convertor to object sanitize.
- Add more runtime operator for database
- Add non-kv-pair query support
- Fix bugs
- [15 Oct 2022] Fix incorrect number of records returned, when using limit, offset and counting on multiple joining