mongoose-mimic is a small (but powerful) Node.js library to generate test data for Mongoose using only the schema definition
mongoose-mimic is a simple (but powerful) Node.js library to generate test data for Mongoose using only the schema definition.
- Generate random values depending on primitive data types (string, number, boolean, date...)
- Generate random values that meet constraints (uppercase, lowercase, max...)
- Generate custom values for specific fields
- Generate custom values that match non-primitive data types (email, phone, address...)
- Ignore fields
- Generate dates as object or string
npm install @genially/mongoose-mimic
mimic(model, opts)
Generates a mimetic document from model
: Mongoose schema objectopts
: Generation options, where the options are in the following format:
ignore: Array,
applyFilter: Boolean,
returnDate: Boolean,
custom: {
field: {
value: Any,
type: String
| Option | Type | Usage | | :----------------: | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | ignore | Array | It can contains string paths or RegExp of fields to ignore during generation | | applyFilter | Boolean | Apply lowercase, uppercase, and trim filters on generated object if defined in the path | | returnDate | Boolean | Return dates as Date or String | | custom | Object | Special generator for specific fields | | custom.field.value | Any | Predefined value to the given field | | custom.field.type | String | Data type to generate to the given field, in the format: "type.subtype". Examples: "internet.email" or "address.city". See Faker.js methods to know all supported data types |
Usage Example
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const mimic = require('@genially/mongoose-mimic');
const ignoredFields = ['_id','created_at', '__v', /detail.*_info/];
const genderValues = ['Male', 'Female']
const schemaDefinition = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
lowercase: true,
trim: true
email: {
type: String,
phones: {
type: [String],
birth_date: {
type: Date
gender: {
type: String,
enum: genderValues
data: {
type: Object,
default: null
results: [
score: Number,
course: Number
is_student: {
type: Boolean
parent: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
detail: {
main_info: String,
some_info: String,
none_match: String
created_at: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
const model = mongoose.model('Student', schemaDefinition);
const randomObject = mimic(model, {
ignore: ignoredFields,
returnDate: true,
custom: {
name: {
value: 'Mimic',
email: {
type: 'internet.email'
phones: {
type: 'phone.phoneNumber'
birth_date: {
value: () => new Date('December 25, 1995 23:15:30')
/* Result:
"name": "Mimic",
"data": {
"az": {
"name": "Kayden Oberbrunner",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "1-160-514-5977",
"posts": [{
"words": "maxime quia sit",
"sentence": "Fuga vel in architecto ut modi sequi aliquam debitis.",
"sentences": "Reprehenderit ratione consequuntu.."
}, {
"words": "dignissimos qui qui",
"sentence": "Eveniet est unde quis sit et ab.",
"sentences": "Sit eos quaerat aut quisquam unde..",
"paragraph": "Quasi et numquam cumque neque rerum aliquam ullam.."
"address": {
"geo": {
"lat": "25.9144",
"lng": "6.0991"
"city": "Amaraville",
"state": "Indiana",
"streetA": "O'Conner Prairie",
"streetB": "5722 Shane Grove",
"streetC": "8040 Hane Roads Suite 402",
"streetD": "Apt. 816",
"country": "Kenya",
"zipcode": "74052"
"website": "santina.org",
"company": {
"bs": "cross-platform facilitate deliverables",
"name": "Morissette LLC",
"catchPhrase": "Self-enabling intangible methodology"
"username": "Euna44",
"accountHistory": [{
"amount": "473.69",
"date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z",
"business": "Lang, Hudson and Heller",
"name": "Savings Account 3906",
"type": "invoice",
"account": "60253551"
}, {
"amount": "824.69",
"date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z",
"business": "Rice - Price",
"name": "Credit Card Account 8924",
"type": "withdrawal",
"account": "62599733"
"email": "[email protected]",
"gender": "Male",
"parent": "59d0ff689b95b02fec446c55",
"results": [{
"score": 87467,
"course": 56396
}, {
"score": 728,
"course": 80047
"birth_date": "1995-12-25T22:15:30.000Z",
"phones": [
'(857) 375-1663',
'(601) 926-2014',
'(705) 324-8873 x9541',
'(693) 690-3304 x99775',
'1-088-666-8801 x6452',
'228.058.0088 x91535'
"is_student": true,
"detail": {
"none_match": "Eugenia_Kuvalis"
To run the test cases use npm test
Related packages
mongoose-mimic API is inspired by mongoose-dummy, which provides a more limited capability to customize generated values.
Other similar packages to generate test data for Mongoose are:
Licensed under MIT