Node.js and Browser Javascript SDK for Genability APIs.
Genability Javascript SDK
This SDK enables faster integration of the Genability APIs into your Node.js, React, Angular, Web Browser and other Javascript compatible applications.
Install Dependencies & Build the App
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
Set enviornment variables
Store credentials as environment variables GENABILITY_APP_ID & GENABILITY_APP_KEY
Run tests
$ yarn test
Table of Contents
- Genability API credentials
- Basic web front end use
- Basic npm usage
- NodeJS backend proxy example
- Maven Plugin for NodeJS
- API usage
Genability API Credentials
If you don't have one already, you'll need a Genability account, as well an App ID and App Key, before you get started.
Basic web front end use:
Include the library with a script tag:
<script src="/@genability/api/dist/main.js"></script>
Instantiate Genability API Client
For frontend use, the API client will send requests to the url specified in the proxy
option. Your backend proxy must provide Genability API credentials and forward the request to https://api.genability.com
. Do not include your Genability API credentials in user-facing frontend code.
const GenAPIClient = Genability.Client.configure({ proxy: '/genability-api' });
Instantiate a request object
const territoriesRequest = new Genability.restApis.GetTerritoriesRequest();
territoriesRequest.masterTariffId = '522';
Call the API method
Basic npm usage
Prerequisites: Node.js (^10.12.0
, or >=12.0.0
) built with SSL support. (If you are using an official Node.js distribution, SSL is always built in.)
You can install genability sdk using npm:
$ npm install @genability/api --save
Import Genability API client
import { Genability } from '@genability/api';
Instantiate Genability API Client
For frontend use, you must specify a proxy
url and provide credentials on the backend..
For backend use in node or other environments, you can provide Genability API credentials to the client in several ways. The client will search for credentials in the following order:
- Credentials explicitly provided to the API client
- Credentials stored as environment variables GENABILITY_APP_ID and GENABILITY_APP_KEY
- Credentials stored in a
file in the.genability
folder in the user's home directory, in this format:
"profileName" : {
"appId":"", // Your Genability appId,
"appKey":"" // Your Genability appKey
If the API client doesn't find credentials in any of these places, the request will be sent without any credentials.
Instantiate a client, and optionally provide credentials, like this:
const GenAPIClient = Genability.Client.configure({
profileName: '',// Optionally specify a profile name to use from your
// ~/.genability/credentials.js file
credentials: { // Optionally provide credentials explicitly
appId: '', // Your Genability App ID
appKey: '', // Your Genability App Key
jwtToken: '', // A JWT token — this can be used to authenticate requests to a serverless proxy function
proxyReq: '', // A function used to create an Axios request interceptor for all requests created by
// the API, should requests to a proxy function need to be modified
The credentials
option also accepts a function which returns an object with the above properties.
Instantiate a request object
import { restApis } from '@genability/api';
const territoriesRequest = new restApis.GetTerritoriesRequest();
territoriesRequest.masterTariffId = '522';
Call the API method
NodeJS backend proxy example
Include http-proxy-middleware in package.json
Instantiate proxy middleware
const createProxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware').createProxyMiddleware;
Create ExpressJS Route
const genabilityAuthString = Buffer.from(`yourGenabilityAppId:yourGenabilityAppKey}`).toString('base64');
app.use('/genability-api', createProxyMiddleware({
target: 'https://api.genability.com',
changeOrigin: true,
onProxyReq: function (proxyReq) {
proxyReq.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + genabilityAuthString);
pathRewrite: {
'^/genability-api': '/',
Maven Plugin for NodeJS
A useful way to use the Genability Javascript SDK in a project with a Java backend is to include
the frontend-maven-plugin. This plugin will install NodeJS and NPM
and enable running npm install
on every build of the Java project.
Include frontend-maven-plugin in pom.xml
<id>install node and npm</id>
<!-- See https://nodejs.org/en/download/ for latest node and npm (lts) versions -->
<id>npm install</id>
<!-- Optional configuration which provides for running any npm command -->
Include package.json
Given the example above you would create your package.json in src/main/webapp
Map node_modules to static route
The node_modules then need to be mapped to a static file path in your web server. Here is an example mapping using the Spring framework:
<mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/node_modules/" />
The packages in your node_modules will then be available to you in your front end Javascript in the /static
API usage
| API Endpoint | Request Params type | List of params and sample response | |----------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | properties | | | | getPropertyKeys | new api.GetPropertyKeysRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/shared-api/property-key/#get-a-list-of-property-keys | | getPropertyKey | string | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/shared-api/property-key/#get-one-property-key | | lses | | | | getLoadServingEntities | new api.GetLoadServingEntitiesRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/load-serving-entity/ | | getLoadServingEntity | number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/load-serving-entity/ | | tariffs | | | | getTariffs | new api.GetTariffsRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/tariff/#get-a-list-of-tariffs | | getTariff | number, new api.GetTariffsRequest()(optional) | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/tariff/#get-one-tariff | | getTariffHistory | number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/tariff-history/ | | calculation | | | | runCalculation | new api.GetCalculatedCostRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/calculation-api/cost-calculation/#run-a-calculation | | territories | | | | getTerritories | new api.GetTerritoriesRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/territory/#get-a-list-of-territories | | getTerritory | number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/territory/#get-one-territory | | seasons | | | | getSeasonGroups | new api.GetSeasonGroupsRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/season/#get-a-list-of-season-groups-for-an-lse | | timeofuses | | | | getTimeOfUse | number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/time-of-use/#get-a-single-time-of-use-definition | | getTimeOfUseGroup | number,number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/time-of-use/#get-a-time-of-use-group | | getTimeOfUseGroupIntervals | number,number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/time-of-use/#get-a-groups-intervals | | getTimeOfUseGroups | number | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/time-of-use/#get-a-tous-intervals | | lookups | | | | getLookupValues | new api.GetLookupsRequest() (optional) | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/lookup/#get-lookup-values | | getPropertyLookupValues | string , new api.GetLookupsRequest() (optional) | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/lookup/#get-property-lookup-values | | getPropertyLookupStats | string | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/tariff-api/lookup/#get-property-lookup-stats | | typicals | | | | getBaselinesBest | new api.GetBaselinesBestRequest() | https://developer.genability.com/api-reference/shared-api/typical-baseline/#get-best-baseline |