vue-cli plugin to add vue-sections
A Vue js plugin to install and configure @geeks-solutions/vue-sections library.
How to install vue-cli-plugin-sections plugin:
- npm i @geeks.solutions/vue-cli-plugin-sections
How to run the plugin:
- vue invoke @geeks.solutions/vue-cli-plugin-sections
The plugin will prompt you to answer three questions:
? What is your project url: http://localhost:8000
? What is your project ID: 1d23few45rw213qd6
? Add vue-sections configuration with first sections page Yes
What does the plugin perform:
Add "@geeks-solutions/vue-sections" to you package.json + its required dependencies and install them:
- "bootstrap-vue"
- "cookie-universal-nuxt"
- "nuxt-i18n"
Update nuxt.config.js with plugin and modules required by vue-sections.
Create file configuration with your project url and id under /plugins/sections.js.
Create file configuration for i18n required by the library under /lang/en.js
Create a configured first page with sections under /pages/Sections.vue only if answered yes on the third question
? Add vue-sections configuration with first sections page Yes