iTowns Geographic
The geographic package provides utilities for handling coordinates, ellipsoids, extents and rotations across different coordinate systems.
- Coordinates : A Coordinates object (geodetic datum), defined by a [crs] and three values.
- [Coordinates stars] : get sun position, azimuth, ascention, ecliptic longitude and declination from date.
- Coordinate Reference System : This module provides basic methods to manipulate a CRS (as a string). to explore available coordinates systems and use their proj4js definition to define them in itowns with
proj4.defs(crs, proj4def)
. - Ellipsoid : A representation of an ellipsoid and useful computation methods (geodetic normal, etc.)
- Ellipsoid Size: The length of the earth ellispoid semi-axes.
- Extent : Extent is geographical bounding rectangle defined by a crs and 4 limits: west, east, south and north .
- OrientationUtils : utilities to compute a rotation quaternion from various rotation conventions, including between different crs.
npm install --save @itowns/geographic
Getting started
import { Coordinates, Extent, CRS } from '@itowns/geographic';
const coordinates = new Coordinates('EPSG:4326', 88.002445, 50.336522, 120.32201);
const extent = new Extent('EPSG:4326', 88.002445, 50.336522, 22.021, 50.302548);
// change projection system to pseudo mercator
// change projection system to EPSG:2154
// defs EPSG:2154 crs (visit epsg.io to get the proj4js definition of a crs)
CRS.defs('EPSG:2154','+proj=lcc +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs');
OrientationUtils example
In geodesy, attitude refers to the orientation of a geodetic instrument or platform in three-dimensional space. It is defined by the angles that describe how an instrument or a vehicle (like a satellite or aircraft) is positioned relative to a reference coordinate system, typically the Earth's surface or a local tangent plane.
// Compute the rotation around the point of origin from a frame aligned with Lambert93 axes (epsg:2154),
// to the geocentric frame (epsg:4978)
quat_crs2crs = OrientationUtils.quaternionFromCRSToCRS("EPSG:2154", "EPSG:4978")(origin);
// Compute the rotation of a sensor platform defined by its attitude
const attitude = {
// Rotation around the longitudinal axis of the object (front-to-back axis), tilting the object sideways.
Roll: 0.0,
// Rotation around the lateral axis (side-to-side axis), moving the nose or front up or down.
Pitch: Math.PI * 0.2,
// Rotation around the vertical axis (top-to-bottom axis), changing the direction the object is facing horizontally.
Yaw: Math.PI * 0.5,
quat_attitude = OrientationUtils.quaternionFromAttitude(attitude);
// Compute the rotation from the sensor platform frame to the geocentric frame
quat = quat_crs2crs.multiply(quat_attitude);
Visit the iTowns documentation for more information.