https://github.com/antfu/vite-ssg but for everyone (including your mom)
https://github.com/antfu/vite-ssg but for everyone (including your mom)
Motivation 🤔
Tried to get SSG (Static Site Generation) similar to that of the preact cli successor (whatever that is called again) but didn't find anything working with Solid. Tried https://vitejs.dev/guide/ssr.html for example and ye.
Eventually I found https://github.com/antfu/vite-ssg which basically did do what I wanted but only for Vue. So I forked it, removed all the Vue specific stuff... and uhh basically changed everything (there really is not much left of the original 🤣).
Features I added in this fork:
- Framework agnostic (if you're using Vite chances are you can use this project for SSG)
- includes preloading
- Automatic CSP generation for nginx (inserts sha-256 hashes for inline script tags) (damn it feels good to get A+ on Mozilla Observatory)
- Automatic generation for dynamic routes
Setup 🚀
// package.json
"scripts": {
- "build": "vite build"
+ "build": "vite-ssg build"
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite"
import solid from "vite-plugin-solid"
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
- solid(),
+ solid({ ssr: true }),
// src/index.tsx
import { ComponentProps } from "solid-js"
import { __ssrLoadedModules } from "vite-ssg-but-for-everyone"
import type { EntryFileExports } from "vite-ssg-but-for-everyone/node"
import App from "./App"
const ROOT_ELEMENT_ID = "root"
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
const main = () => <App />
const root = document.getElementById(ROOT_ELEMENT_ID)!
if (import.meta.env.VITE_SSG) {
const { hydrate } = await import("solid-js/web")
hydrate(main, root)
} else {
const { render } = await import("solid-js/web")
render(main, root)
export const prerender: EntryFileExports["prerender"] = async context => {
const head = [] as ComponentProps<typeof App>["head"]
const main = () => <App url={context.route} head={head} />
const { renderToStringAsync, generateHydrationScript } = await import("solid-js/web")
const { renderTags } = await import("@solidjs/meta")
return {
html: await renderToStringAsync(main),
head: {
elements: [
renderTags(head ?? []),
preload: __ssrLoadedModules.slice(),
export const setupPrerender: EntryFileExports["setupPrerender"] = async () => {
const { default: routes } = await import("./routes")
return {
routes: routes
.map(r => {
const path = String(r.path)
if (path === "**") {
return "__404"
if (path.endsWith(":id")) {
return path.replace(":id", "__id")
return path
.filter(i => !i.includes(":") && !i.includes("*")),
csp: {
fileName: "csp.conf",
fileType: "nginx-conf",
template: "script-src 'self' {{INLINE_SCRIPT_HASHES}}; object-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'self'; base-uri 'self'; form-action 'self'; worker-src 'self' blob:; trusted-types *;",
dyn: {
fileName: "dyn.conf",
fileType: "nginx-conf",
routes: [
matches: "^(.*)/__id$",
template: `
location ~ ^{{$1}}/[^/]+ {
limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;
try_files $uri {{$0}}/index.html =404;