A simple & powerful component system based on [Tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com). The variant system uses [tailwind-merge](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tailwind-merge) behind the scenes to make sure no classes are duplicated.
tailwind component variants
A simple & powerful component system based on Tailwind. The variant system uses tailwind-merge behind the scenes to make sure no classes are duplicated.
how to use:
pnpm add @gateway-web/twc
You can see a full demo here: https://tailwindcss-components.vercel.app/
import { twc, Variants } from "@gateway-web/twc";
// Create variants
const variants: Variants = {
base: { // base class names
root: "flex flex-col w-full gap-4 border p-8 rounded",
title: "text-xl font-bold",
button: "p-2 rounded",
variants: [
props: {
color: "amber", // string matching
classNames: {
root: "border-amber-400",
title: "text-amber-400",
button: "bg-amber-600 text-white",
props: {
color: ["primary", "blue"], // array matching
classNames: {
root: "border-blue-400",
title: "text-blue-400",
button: "bg-blue-600 text-white",
props: {
color: /violet|purple/gi, // regex matching
classNames: {
root: "border-violet-500",
title: "text-violet-400",
button: "bg-violet-600 text-white",
props: {
color: "purple", // last one will always override
classNames: {
button: "bg-purple-600",
// Create component and use twc to generate Tailwind classes
const Component = (props) => {
const classes = twc(variants, props);
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<h3 className={classes.title}>title</h3>
<button className={classes.button}>button</button>
use the component
<Component color="blue" />
<Component color="purple" />
advanced options
clean function
As of version 1.0.4, you can now pass in a function to transform the props before twc tries to match. This is useful to reformat values or clean props up as needed. Trops are passed to the function as the only parameter.
const classes = twc(variants, props, {
cleanFunction(props:any) => {
return {
color: props.color.toLowerCase()
typed variants
You can optionally apply your own type to the variants object passed into the twc
type VariantObject = {
props: YourComponentProps;
classNames: {
[key: string]: string;
type Variants = {
base: {
[key: string]: string;
variants: VariantObject[];
const variants: Variants = {
base: { ... },
variants: [ ... ]