Gamiphy Loyalty Station, is a gamified loyalty program plugin/widget for eCommerce. You will be able to reward users with points for completing pre defined "challenges" within your store. In addition to that users can compete with each other in compeition
Gamiphy Loyalty Station React Native SDK
Gamiphy Loyalty Station, is a gamified loyalty program plugin/widget for eCommerce. You will be able to reward users with points for completing pre defined "challenges" within your store. In addition to that users can compete with each other in compeitions reflected on a leaderboard, receive badges and invite their freinds, among other gamified features.
To install:
npm install --save @gamiphy/loyalty-station-react-native-sdk
"react": "^16.x",
"react-native": "^0.x",
"react-native-webview": "^10.x"
Getting started
Import LoyaltyStation
from the library:
import {LoyaltyStation} from "@gamiphy/loyalty-station-react-native-sdk"
Then wrap your code in LoyaltyStationProvider
component to make it available to all components.
<LoyaltyStationProvider config={config:Config}>
You can use the hooks based API to access the Loyalty Station functionality:
function App() {
const {open, close} = useLoyaltyStation()
return (
<Button title="Open Loyalty Station " onPress={() => open()}/>
<Button title="Close Loyalty Station" onPress={() => close()}/>
Hooks providing the following functionality:
| Function| signature|Description |---------------------|---------------------|---------------------| | open | ()=>void| opening the Loyalty Station App | close |()=>void | Closing The Loyalty Station App | logout | ()=>void| Logout | login |(user:User)=>void | Login
It will inject the following props to the component:
| Prop|---|Type|Optional| Description|
| Config: |---|---|no|
| | app | string | no| The app ID|
| | user | User | yes |
| User: | | |
| | email |string | no | User's email|
| | hash | string | no | The hash value is generated using the client hmac as a key, sha256 as the algorithm, and the value is constructed as this appId|email. const hash = hmacSHA512('appId|email', appKey);|
| | firstName |string |no | User's first name|
| | lastName |string |no | User's last name|
|goToAuth| |(isSignUp:boolean) => Void| yes | listener on the "Sign in" button |