Library to implement proof-of-liabilities.
This library implements proof-of-liabilities for a bitcoin banking infrastructure.
The core motivation behind this library is to provide a simple, easy to use, and secure way to create merkle trees and liability proofs and to provide an easy interface to verify the liability proofs. This library can be used by any individual or organization that want to enable a proof of liabilities system for their organisation. Proof of Liabilities along with Proof of Reserves can be used to create a Proof of Solvency for an organisation.
Proof of Reserves + Proof of Liabilities = Proof of Solvency
Using Proof of Solvency a bank is able to provide assurance to the client that the bank is solvent and their funds are held securely by the bank. Using Proof Of Liabilities a client can independently verify that his/her funds are held securely by the bank. This increases the trust between the bank and the client.
Install the package with:
npm i @galoymoney/proof-of-sats
# or
yarn add @galoymoney/proof-of-sats
To generate the liabilities tree
For generating a new liabilites tree, we need to pass in a list of accounts to the createLiabilitiesTree
function. The function will return a LiabilityTree
The LiabilityTree
object has a merkleTree
object which is simply an Array<Array<TreeNodes>>
. The TreeNode
object has a hash
and a sum
property. The hash
represents the SHA256 hash of the given node and sum
represents the cumulative sum of all the children to the given node. The LiabilityTree
also returns a Map accountToNonceMap
which is used to store a Nonce associated with a given accountId.
Algorithm for generating the LiabilityTree
For the purpose of maintaining privacy and ensuring the safety of the data, every account balance that is passed into the function is split atleast 2 times. Thus if the balance associated with an accountId A is 100 Sats, then in the actual tree, this balance is reflected as a split balance accociated with the same accountId. Before creating the tree the data is also randomly shuffled so as to ensure better privacy. In the createLiabilitiesTree
function, we take this shuffled and randomly split data and start to create the leaves of the merkleTree. A leaf is essentially a TreeNode and it must have a hash
and a sum
associated with it. The hash is created using the SHA256 algorithm by hashing
accountId, nonce, balance and index
. The sum
field at the leaf level simply represents the balance associated with that account. The idea to create a parent from the leaves is pretty simple. We start from the leftmost leaf and pick its neighbour. Using these two leaves we create a parent node.The sum associated with a parent node refers to the total sum of its child nodes. We pass these two nodes to a nodeCombiner
function.The working of a nodeCombiner function is explained below.
* generates a node of a merkle tree
* @param leftChild
* @param rightChild
* @returns {TreeNode} a node of a merkle tree
export const nodeCombiner = (leftChild: TreeNode, rightChild: TreeNode): TreeNode => {
const data = `${leftChild.hash}${leftChild.sum}${rightChild.hash}${rightChild.sum}`
return {
hash: createHash("sha256").update(data).digest("hex"),
sum: leftChild.sum + rightChild.sum,
Once the entire leaf row is traversed we can traverse through the immediate parent nodes and following the above mentioned approach, we can create an entire merkle tree upto the root. The root node should contain a sum that is equal to the total sum of all the leaves.
Calling the createLiabilitiesTree function
import { createLiabilitiesTree } from "@galoymoney/proof-of-sats"
// Accounts refer to a list of accountId's and balances.
const tree = createLiabilitiesTree(accounts)
To generate a proof
A createProof
function can be called to generate a liabilityProof for a given account. The createProof
function takes in the accountId
and the LiabilityTree
object and returns a LiabilityProof
object. A LiabilityProof
object is defined below.
type LiabilityProof = {
accountId: string
nonce: string
partialLiabilityProofs: PartialLiabilityProof[]
totalBalance: number
The partialLiabilityProofs
field is a list of PartialLiabilityProof
objects. The structure of a PartialLiabilityProof
object is defined below.
type PartialLiabilityProof = {
merklePath: MerklePath
idx: number
balance: number
The merklePath
field is contains a list of TreeNode
and index
. The index
refers to the position of the leaf. This index
will be useful once, we try to validate the generated proof.
Algorithm for generating a liabilityProof
As one may notice, the liabilityProof object consists of a list of partialLiabilityProofs, this is because we created the tree by splitting the account balance associated with a given account into many smaller balances. So for creating the proof we need to take into account all these smaller balances that are now distributed as a leaf nodes. To find a leaf node that belongs to a particular account, we travel all the leaf nodes and try to find that leaf node whose hash matches with the hash generated by hashing accountId, nonce(this can be extracted from the accountToNonceMap present on the LiabilityTree object), sum (present on the leaf node) and index(while traveling the leaf nodes we can easily maintaitn an index)
. Once a given node is identified for an account we can store its index to generate the merklePath. A generatePartialProof
function takes in an index
and the merkleTree
and returns a partialLiabilityProof object. The generatePartialProof
function will generate a merklePath from the index that is passed to it as a parameter. It does so by identifying whether at the present level the node is a left or right child. If at the present level the node is a left child we must add the right child to the list of merkle path and if it is a right child we must add the left child to the list of merkle path. Using this approach we can create the immediate parent node. Now we move a level upwards and try to identify if the this immediate parent is a left node or a right node. If the immediate parent is a left node we must add the corresponding right node to the list of merkle path else we should add left node to the list of merkle path. We again move a level upwards and repeat the same process until we reach the root.
At the end of the process we will have a list of nodes through which we can trace the path to the root and this will enable us to generate our own roothash which we can validate against the published roothash and verify if our liability was correctly included in the liability tree.
The partialLiabilityProof object also contains an idx
field and a balance
field. These field refer to the balance and index of the node which we identified for given account. balance
and idx
will be used to validate the proof as we will see in the later section.
Calling the createProof function
import { createProof } from "@galoymoney/proof-of-sats"
* @param tree
* @param accountId
* @return {LiabilityProof}
const liabilityProof = createProof(accountId, tree)
To Validate a proof
In order to validate a generated proof we can make a call to the isLiabilityIncludedInTree
function. The function takes in two parameters, the LiabilityProof
object and a roothash
against which the passed LiabilityProof will be validated. The function returns an object which is described as below.
isProofValid: boolean
provenBalance: number
The provenBalance
field can be matched against the totalBalance
field that is present on the liabilityProof
object to validate if both the balances match.
Algorithm for validating a liabilityProof
To validate a liabilityProof we need to validate individual partialLiabilityProof. We use an internal function isPartialProofValid
which takes in roothash, partialLiabilityProof, accountId and nonce
as parameters. The approach is to first create a leaf node that must be equal to the leaf node which we identified belonged to a particular account while generating the proof. Once we have obtained this leaf node we pop out the first element present in the merklePath list. We use nodeCombiner function to obtain the corresponding parent from these two leaf nodes. Based on the value of index present in the merklePath object we can identify which node has to be treated as a left node and which has to be treated as a right node. We follow this approach till we obtain a roothash. We then validate this roothash against the roothash that is passed in as a parameter to the function. If both the roothash match then the partialLiabilityProof is valid and we add its balance
to the provenBalance
which is initially 0.
Now we pass in all the paritalLiabilityProofs one by one to the isPartialProofValid
and even if a single partialProof is not valid we return isProofValid
as false
and provenBalance
as 0
, otherwise we return isProofValid
as true
and provenBalance
as the sum of all the balance
fields of the partialLiabilityProofs.
Calling the isLiabilityIncludedInTree function
import { isLiabilityIncludedInTree } from "@galoymoney/proof-of-sats"
const isValid: boolean = isLiabilityIncludedInTree(liabilityProof, rootHash)
Types defined in this library
The below section covers a list of all the types that are defined in this library. Most of the types are self explanatory.
type Liability = {
accountId: string
balance: number
type MerklePath = {
node: TreeNode
index: number
type PartialLiabilityProof = {
merklePath: MerklePath
idx: number
balance: number
type LiabilityProof = {
accountId: string
nonce: string
partialLiabilityProofs: PartialLiabilityProof[]
totalBalance: number
type TreeNode = {
hash: string
sum: number
type LiabilityTree = {
merkleTree: Array<Array<TreeNode>>
accountToNonceMap: Map<string, string>
Test with Jest framework:
yarn test