Simple TypeScript/ES2017 class to load configuration files from a folder
Simple TypeScript/ES2017 class to load configuration files from a folder
npm install --save @gallant/config
import { Config } from '@gallant/config';
// Can either be a folder or a file name
const config = Config.load( 'config' );
// Can also use the async variant
const configAsync = Config.loadAsync( 'config' );
// Multiple configurations can also be deep merged manually
const fullConfig = Config.merge( [ config, configAsync ] );
// Getting values can be done through the .get method, with an optional default value
const value = fullConfig.get<OptionalType>( 'key.value', 'optional default value' );
By default the app uses the JSON loader. If your config files use another format, you can provide it a custom loader. For example, using the json5
import { Config } from '@gallant/config';
import JSON5 from 'json5';
const config = Config.load( 'config', [ new class {
accepts = ( name : string ) => /json(5)?/i.test(name);
parse = JSON5.parse
} ] );
KDL is a document language with xml-like semantics, but a lighter syntax.
We also support loading KDL files out of the box, but those require a litle a schema to be defined, so that the file can be properly translated to an object in memory.
package {
name "foo"
version "1.0.0"
dependencies platform="windows" {
winapi "1.0.0" path="./crates/my-winapi-fork"
dependencies {
miette "2.0.0" dev=true
import { Config, SchemaUtils, KDLFormat } from '@gallant/config';
import {
Tag, Any, Child, Children, Property, Value, Optional, Default
} from '@gallant/config/kdl';
export class PackageDependency {
name: string; // winapi, miette
@Value(0, String)
version: string; // 1.0.0, 2.0.0
@Optional() @Property('dev', Boolean)
dev?: boolean; // null, true
@Optional() @Property('path', String)
path?: string; // null, ./crates/my-winapi-fork
export class DependenciesGroup {
@Optional() @Property('platform', String)
platform?: string;
@Default() @Children(Any, PackageDependency)
packageDependencies: PackageDependency[] = [];
export class Package {
@Child('name', String)
name!: string;
@Child('version', String)
version!: string;
@Default() @Children('dependencies', DependenciesGroup)
dependencies!: DependenciesGroup[];
const format = new KDLFormat(SchemaUtils.schemaOf(Child('package', Package));
const package: Package = Config.load('package.kdl', format);
The resulting object from this will be:
"name": "foo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": [
"packageDependencies": [
"name": "winapi",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dev": false,
"path": "./crates/my-winapi-fork"
"platform": "windows"
"packageDependencies": [
"name": "miette",
"version": "2.0.0",
"dev": true,
"path": null
"platform": null