Galaxar validators to be used with @galaxar/types based on @galaxar/jsonv and @galaxar/jsonx
Galaxar object modifiers syntax (OMS)
Modifier syntax
- A standalone modifier (i.e. no argument) can be a string with modifier prefix and the name of modifier.
- For modifiers with argument (or payload), they can be expresses in the form of an object or an array.
- object style
- "name" field, is the modifier name, e.g. ~mobile
- "options" field is the options argument, e.g. { locale: 'en-US' }
- array style
- [0] is the modifier,
- [1] is the options argument
- object style
Types of modifiers
_ validator - starting with ~
- starting with
- starting with
- starting with
- starting with
Modifier handlers
Different type of modifier will use different handlers map and the signture of the handler function is also a bit different.
validator handler:
(value, options, meta, context) => [ true or false, null or failed reason ]
- A validator returns false will stop the modifier pipeline and throw a ValidationError
processor handler:
(value, options, meta, context) => value
activator handler:
(options, meta, context) => value
,- An activator will not be called unless the value is null.
Sample syntax
import validator from '@galaxar/validator';
validator.sanitize(obj, {
type: 'object',
schema: {
// key1 field's value should be an integer within the range from 10 to 30
key1: {
type: 'integer',
mod: [
['~max', 30],
['~min', 10],
// key2 field's value should be an integer within the range from 20 to 30
key2: {
type: 'integer',
mod: [
['~max', 20],
['~min', 10],
optional: true,
mod: [
// the object as a whole should match the jsonv expression below, ~jsv === ~jsonv
name: '~jsv',
options: {
key1: {
$gt: '$$.key2', // or $$ROOT.key2
// after passing the validation above, the object will be transformed by the below jsonx expression, |jsx === |jsonx
// transform from object to an array
$toArray: { name: '$$KEY', value: '$$CURRENT' },
// finally, there is auto activator to ensure the object has an auto value if it is null
// { key1: 20, key2: 15 } => [ { name: 'key1', value: 20 }, { name: 'key2', value: 15 } ]
Sync mode
import validator, { Types } from '@galaxar/validator';
validator.addValidator('isEmail', () => [ true or false, reason if false ]);
validator.addProcessor('escape', () => {});
validator.addActivator('randomFill', () => {});
Async mode
import validator, { Types } from '@galaxar/validator/async';
validator.addValidator('isEmail', () => [ true or false, reason if false ]);
validator.addProcessor('escape', () => {});
validator.addActivator('randomFill', () => {});
await validator.sanitize_()
Sync mode with all modifiers
import validator, { Types } from '@galaxar/validator/allSync';
Async mode with all modifiers
import validator, { Types } from '@galaxar/validator/allAsync';
await validator.sanitize_();