APM(Agent Package Manager) CLI and library
APM(Agent Package Manager) CLI and library
Install as CLI
pnpm add -g @fynal-ai/apm
apm --help
- show help
apm --help
- show version
apm --version
apm -v
- create agent in cwd from template
apm init
apm init --author <author> --name <name> --executor <executor>
apm init --author <author> --name <name> --executor <executor> --force
- install agent from local folder or agent store. If no agent name is specified, the agent in the current folder is installed. Duplicate agents are overwritten.
apm install <agent-folder>
apm install
apm install .
apm install <name>[:version]
- uninstall agent. If no agent name is specified, the agent in the current folder is uninstalled in APM Server.
apm uninstall
apm uninstall <name>[:version]
- list installed agents in APM Server
apm list
apm list --limit 20
apm list --q "hello"
apm list --executor nodejs
- publish cwd agent folder to Agent Store
apm publish
- login to agent store. If no username is specified, the username in $HOME/.apm/apm.json is used.
apm login
apm login --username <username>
apm login --username <username> --password <password>
- search agents in Agent Store
apm search
apm search --limit 20
apm search --q "hello"
apm search --executor nodejs
- Update apm package to latest in local Node.Js Agent Folders together:
for i in $(ls); do pnpm add @fynal-ai/apm:latest --dir $i; done
- Install local Agent Folders together to APM Server:
for i in $(ls); do apm install $i; done
Program Usage
We package some utilities to help you to create agent.
import { APMAgent } from '@fynal-ai/apm';
class Agent {
constructor() {
this.apmAgent = new APMAgent();
async run(input, saveconfig) {
const output = {
text: 'text',
this.apmAgent.save_output(saveconfig, output); // save output by saveconfig when saveconfig is setted, or print output to console
return output;
Join US to Contribute:
- fork at https://github.com/fynal-ai/apm
- goto
directory - change code in
directory - change version in
- (login) pnpm config set '//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken' <YOUR_PUBLISH_TOKEN>
- publish to npm
pnpm run pubish
items.findLastIndex is not a function
Upgrade Node.Js to >= 18.0.0
apm --help is Atom Package Manage but not Agent Package Manage
- which apm
- mv <path/to/apm> <path/to/apm2>