WASM library to create and manipulate HEALPix Multi-Order Coverages maps (MOCs), see https://ivoa.net/documents/MOC/
WebAssembly Library to read/write/create/manipulate HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage maps (MOCs) in a web page.
This wasm library is made from the Rust MOC library. It implements the v2.0 of the MOC standard, including (S-)MOCs, T-MOCs and ST-MOCs.
If you are developing a web page using:
- JavaScript: you can use this library (see next section for the list of available JS functions);
- Rust --> wasm: the code can be an example of how to directly use the Rust MOC library.
Technically, this project relies on wasm-bindgen: a big thank you to the developers.
For tools able to display MOCs, see:
- the Aladin Desktop sky atlas in Java (also supports MOC operations)
- the Aladin Lite, "a lightweight version of the Aladin Sky Atlas running in the browser".
- MOCPy, a python wrapper using the very same Rust MOC library.
Use it
Try it
Put it in your own Web page
Download the last moc-wasm-vxx.tar.gz
from thegithub release page.
Put it in the same directory of you web page and decompress it:
tar xvzf moc-wasm-vxx.tar.gz
And add this in your HTML body:
<script type="module">
import init, * as moc from './pkg/moc.js';
async function run() {
const wasm = await init().catch(console.error);
window.moc = moc;
This the example page.
Used by
Example of web page(s) using MOCwasm:
Use it in you project with NPM
See the npm moc-wasm package. (Not tested, we need feedbacks!).
Available JavaScript methods (from v0.7.0)
Following the provided index.html example,
use the moc
prefix to, call the following objects/methods (e.g. moc.debugOn()
or moc.MOC
# In case of failure, enable Rust stack trace
# Available objects
# You can then explore the various methods each object has,
# a large part are common, creation methods from parameters are specific
# - fires the select file dialog (see JS file for more details) to load a local MOCs
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromLocalFile()
# - load the MOC from a FITS file content, provided in the UInt8Array
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromFits(data: UInt8Array)
# - load the MOC stored in a FITS file of given URL
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromFitsUrl(url) // A string of supported mime types can be passed in an additional last parameter
# - load from a ASCII String or an ASCII file
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromAscii(data: String)
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromAsciiUrl(url)
# - load from a JSON String or a JSON file
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromJson(data: String)
let mymoc = (T|F|ST)MOC.fromJsonUrl(url)
# - fires the select dialogto load a multi-order map FITS file and create a MOC from the given parameters
let mymoc = MOC.fromLocalMultiOrderMap(from_threshold: f64, to_threshold: f64, asc: bool, not_strict: bool, split: bool, revese_recursive_descent: bool)
# - load a multi-order map FITS file and create a MOC from the given parameters
let mymoc = MOC.fromFitsMulitOrderMap(data: UInt8Array, from_threshold: f64, to_threshold: f64, asc: bool, not_strict: bool, split: bool, revese_recursive_descent: bool)
# - load a multi-order map FITS file of given URL and create a MOC from the given parameters
let mymoc = MOC.fromMultiOrderMapFitsUrl(url, from_threshold: f64, to_threshold: f64, asc: bool, not_strict: bool, split: bool, revese_recursive_descent: bool) // A string of supported mime types can be passed in an additional last parameter
# Save a MOC
# - get the FITS binary representation of the MOC
mymoc.toFits() -> Uint8Array
# - get the ASCII representation of the MOC
toAscii(name, fold: null|int) -> String
# - get the JSON representation of the MOC
mymoc.toJson(fold: null|int) -> String
# - fires the download dialog to save the MOC in an ASCII/JSON or FITS file.
mymoc.toAsciiFile(fold: null|int)
mymoc.toJsonFile(fold: null|int)
# Create MOC
# - create a S-MOC from a geometric shape
let mymoc = MOC.fromCone(depth, lon_deg, lat_deg, radius_deg)
let mymoc = MOC.fromRing(depth, lon_deg, lat_deg, internal_radius_deg, external_radius_deg)
let mymoc = MOC.fromEllipse(depth, lon_deg, lat_deg, a_deg, b_deg, pa_deg)
let mymoc = MOC.fromZone(depth, lon_deg_min, lat_deg_min, lon_deg_max, lat_deg_max)
let mymoc = MOC.fromBox(depth, lon_deg, lat_deg, a_deg, b_deg, pa_deg)
let mymoc = MOC.fromPolygon(depth, vertices_deg: Float64Array, complement: boolean)
# - create a S-MOC from a list of coordinates
let mymoc = MOC.fromCoo(depth, coos_deg: Float64Array)
# - create a T-MOC from a list of Julian Days
let mymoc = MOC.fromDecimalJDs(depth, jd: Float64Array)
# - create a T-MOC from a list of Juliand Days range
let mymoc = MOC.fromDecimalJDRanges(depth, jd_ranges: Float64Array)
# - reate a new S-MOC from the given lists of UNIQ and Values (i.e. from a Multi-Order Map)
let mymoc = MOC.fromValuedCells(depth, density: bool, from_threshold: f64, to_threshold: f64, asc: bool, not_strict: bool, split: bool, revese_recursive_descent: bool, uniqs: Float64Array, values: Float64Array)
# Single MOC operations
let mynewmoc = mymoc.not() // or mymoc.complement()
let mynewmoc = mymoc.degrade(depth)
# - S-MOC only
let mynewmoc = mymoc.extend()
let mynewmoc = mymoc.contract()
let mynewmoc = mymoc.externalBorder()
let mynewmoc = mymoc.internalBorder()
# -- split considering the 4 direct neighbours (NE, NW, SE, SW) as being part of the same region
let n = mymoc.splitCount()
let mysubmocs = mymoc.split()
# -- split considering the 4 direct neighbours (NE, NW, SE, SW) plus the 4 indirect neighbours (S, N, E, W) as being part of the same region
let n = mymoc.splitIndirectCount()
let mysubmocs = mymoc.splitIndirect()
# Two MOCs operations
let union = mymoc1.or(mymoc2) // or mymoc1.union(mymoc2)
let inter = mymoc1.and(mymoc2) // or mymoc1.intersection(mymoc2)
let symdi = mymoc1.xor(mymoc2) // or mymoc1.symmetric_difference(mymoc2)
let diffe = mymoc1.minus(mymoc2) // or mymoc1.difference(mymoc2)
# Operation on ST-MOC
let mysmoc = mystmoc.timeFold(mytmoc)
let mytmoc = mystmoc.spaceFold(mysmoc)
# Filter operations (return arrays containing 0 (out of the MOC) or 1 (in the MOC))
let boolarray = mysmoc.filterCoos(coos_deg: Float64Array)
let boolarray = mytmoc.filterJDs( jds: Float64Array)
Example 1: 2MASS and SDSS DR12 MOCs
In the index.html web page put behind a server (see next section), simply copy/paste those line the web browser console:
// Load 2MASS and SDSS DR12 MOCs from CDS
let moc2mass = await moc.MOC.fromFitsUrl('http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/footprints/tables/vizier/II_246_out/MOC');
console.log("2MASS MOC depth: " + moc2mass.getDepth());
console.log("2MASS MOC coverage: " + moc2mass.coveragePercentage() + "%");
let mocsdss = await moc.MOC.fromFitsUrl('http://alasky.u-strasbg.fr/footprints/tables/vizier/V_147_sdss12/MOC');
console.log("SDSS DR12 MOC depth: " + mocsdss.getDepth());
console.log("SDSS DR12 MOC coverage: " + mocsdss.coveragePercentage() + "%");
// Init a timer
// Performs MOC intersection
let tmass_inter_sdss12 = moc2mass.and(mocsdss);
// Log time
console.timeLog('timer', 'Intersection');
// Performs MOC union
let tmass_union_sdss12 = moc2mass.or(mocsdss);
// Log time
console.timeLog('timer', 'Union');
// Degrade to order 2 the result of the intersection
let tmass_union_sdss12_d2 = tmass_union_sdss12.degrade(2);
// Remove timer
console.log("(2MASS AND SDSS DR12) MOC depth: " + tmass_inter_sdss12.getDepth());
console.log("(2MASS AND SDSS DR12) MOC coverage: " + tmass_inter_sdss12.coveragePercentage() + "%");
console.log("(2MASS OR SDSS DR12) MOC depth: " + tmass_union_sdss12.getDepth());
console.log("(2MASS OR SDSS DR12) MOC coverage: " + tmass_union_sdss12.coveragePercentage() + "%");
console.log("(2MASS OR SDSS DR12) MOC coverage at depth 2: " + tmass_union_sdss12_d2.coveragePercentage() + "%");
// Print the ASCII and JSON serializations of '2mass_inter_sdss12_d2'
// Save the result of the intersection in a FITS file
Example 2: Build a MOC from a Multi-Order Map and split it into disjoint MOCs
// Load a multi-order map and create a MOC on-the-fly
let lalmap = await moc.MOC.fromMultiOrderMapFitsUrl('http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/lab/moc/LALInference.multiorder.fits', 0.0, 0.9, false, false, false, false);
console.log("LALMAP MOC depth: " + lalmap.getDepth());
console.log("LALMAP MOC coverage: " + lalmap.coveragePercentage() + "%");
// Init a timer
// Count the number of disjoint MOCs in the MOC
let n = lalmap.splitCount();
console.log("n sub_mocs: " + n);
console.timeLog('timer', 'Spit count');
// Do split the MOC in 10 sub-MOCs
let mocs = lalmap.split();
console.timeLog('timer', 'Spit');
// Remove timer
// List MOCs loaded in the page
// Get info on sub-MOCs
for (let i = 0; i < mocs.length; i++) {
console.log("Coverage percentage sub " + i + ": " + mocs[i].coveragePercentage());
Install/run locally
Checkout the git project.
Install rust
(check that ~/.cargo/bin/
is in your path),
or update the Rust compiler with:
rustup update
Install the wasm32-unknown-unknown
toolchain (done automatically with wasm-pack?):
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install wasm-pack following those instructions or using (automatic download of sources and local compilation):
cargo install wasm-pack
Run tests:
wasm-pack test --node
Build the project, see wasm-bindgen doc
wasm-pack build --out-name moc --target web --no-typescript
wasm-pack build --out-name moc --target web --no-typescript --release
Run a local server
- either using the static server from https://crates.io/crates/https
- or use python
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer
python3 -m http.server
And load the web page in our favorite (firefox?) web browser.
Publish on NPM (self reminder)
See here
wasm-pack build --out-name moc --release --scope fxpineau
wasm-pack login
wasm-pack publish
ToDo list
- [ ] Add
- [ ] Implement
difference (xor)
- [ ] Implement
complement (not)
(complement on Space only or also on Time with allsky S-MOCs?) - [ ] Implement
(?) forST-MOCs
- [ ] Build a
from an array of(jd, lon, lat)
- [ ] Add possibility to filter an array of
(jd, lon, lat)
with aST-MOCs
- [ ] Add
overlap/contains(MOC, MOC)
methods? (use cases?) - [ ] (Internal change for performances) add native operations on
instead of transforming inTimeSpaceMoc
- [ ] Implement an egui interface
Like most projects in Rust, this project is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
This work has been supported by the ESCAPE project.
ESCAPE - The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures -
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 824064.